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[Tutorial] Making simple Ping checker - Printable Version

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Making simple Ping checker - Dziugsas - 09.11.2014

Hello guys!Im currently learning how to script and making some functions and other stuff and i needed simple ping checker , so i checked the forums ,but i haven't found any that should be working fine.But i noticed ****** post about how normal ping checkers should be made.


Also, there have been multiple topics on this before, and the general consensus is that kicking when people go over a limit is a bad idea because you can get lag spikes for half a second on otherwise fine players. Check if their ping is high for a while then kick them to not penalise players who don't normally lag.

Okay let's get started!

First of all color define, forward and player variable:

pawn Код:
#define CHATCOLOR_RED 0xFF0000FF // With this we're just only define color that we will use for SendClientMessage() and SendClientMessageToAll().
forward PingChecker(); // With this we register a function called PingChecker.
new bool:PingChecked[MAX_PLAYERS]; //This i a player variable which we will use to check if player ping was checked.Remember that bool type of variable can hold only "true" or "false".No numbers , no strings ,just true or false.

Creating the timer:

Post this under OnGameModeInit():
pawn Код:
    Post this under OnGameModeInit

    SetTimer is the function which sets the timer , "PingChecker" is the fucntion name which we are going to call.
    60000 parameter is the time in miliseconds in this case its 1 minute.
    and the last parameter is set to "true" because we are telling to repeat.



    SetTimer("PingChecker", 60000, true);
And last , let's call the function PingChecker every minute (you can change that):

pawn Код:
public PingChecker()
    //Here we loop through all the players
    for(new i;i < MAX_PLAYERS;i++)
        //After starting the loop we're checking if player is connected with native samp function IsPlayerConnected().
            //After that we check the player ping with GetPlayerPing() if player ping is higher than 300 then A statement will be true and if player ping was checked and player variable says
            //false then B statement will be true , too.
            //---A statement---------------B statement-----------
            if(GetPlayerPing(i) > 300 && PingChecked[i] == false) // first statement
            //----------------True and True = true - so PingCheckerFunction will procceed.
                //Here we just simply send every player (that has higher than 300 ping) a message that he's been noticed
                //SendClientMessage() is function , "i" is playerid in this case it could be anyone (but with higher than 300 ping)
                //CHATCOLOR_RED is a color define of the text
                SendClientMessage(i, CHATCOLOR_RED, "Server noticed that your ping is higher than the limit (300).Please fix it and connect again or you will be kicked after 1 min.");
                //Here we set for every player (that has higher than 300 ping) that his ping was checked and we set it to "true"
                PingChecked[i] = true;
            //After a minute the function will be called again and if one of the first statement cases will fail we will skip first statement and go to the second
            //After that we check the player ping with GetPlayerPing() again and if player ping is higher than 300 ,then A statement will be true and if player ping was checked and player variable says
            //false ,then B statement will be true , too.
            //---A statement---------------B statement-----------
            if(GetPlayerPing(i) > 300 && PingChecked[i] == true) // second statemet
            //----------------True and True = true - so PingCheckerFunction will procceed.
                //Here we make a local variables which are pName and string and in the brackets [] we set their size.
                //MAX_PLAYER_NAME is equal to 24 as samp native size and it cannot be changed.Unless if you #undef it i guess.
                //And simple maths MAX_PLAYER_NAME*2 = 24*2 = 48
                new pName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME] , string[MAX_PLAYER_NAME*2];
                //Here we get player name with a function GetPlayerName() ,then we store it in a variable pName and we say that the name should not be higher than MAX_PLAYER_NAME = 24.
                GetPlayerName(i, pName, sizeof(pName));
                //After that we format the string with size not higher than 48
                //And in with this %s we set that we want that pName would be typed in a chat
                //%s - for string %d - for integer %f - for float
                format(string, sizeof(string), "Server: %s was kicked for high ping.", pName);
                //Server: playername was kicked for high ping. - compiler will read it like this.I guess.
                //Here we send our formated string to all players
                SendClientMessageToAll(CHATCOLOR_RED, string);
                //Here we send player a goodbye message , but i guess it won't work because...
                SendClientMessage(i, CHATCOLOR_RED, "You were noticed about your ping ,but you didn't take it in a matter.Bye!");
                //Player will be kicked imediately
    return 1;
RAW code as requested:

pawn Код:
public PingChecker()
    for(new i;i < MAX_PLAYERS;i++)
            if(GetPlayerPing(i) > 300 && PingChecked[i] == false)
                SendClientMessage(i, CHATCOLOR_RED, "Server: Your ping is higher than the limit.Please fix it or you will be kicked after a minute!");
                PingChecked[i] = true;

            if(GetPlayerPing(i) > 300 && PingChecked[i] == true)
                new pName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME] , string[MAX_PLAYER_NAME*2];
                GetPlayerName(i, pName, sizeof(pName));
                format(string, sizeof(string), "Server: %s was kicked for high ping.", pName);
                SendClientMessageToAll(CHATCOLOR_RED, string);
    return 1;
Thank you for your attention.It's my first tutorial so comments are heavily appreciated.

Re: Making simple Ping checker - sammp - 09.11.2014

First thing is that you're not delaying your kick which means the user won't see the messages.

You over-commented the script - it doesn't need to be detailed that much..

Re: Making simple Ping checker - Luis- - 09.11.2014

Seriously? That font & colour fucking kill my eyes.

Re: Making simple Ping checker - Dziugsas - 09.11.2014

Originally Posted by Luis-
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Seriously? That font & colour fucking kill my eyes.
You should see an eye doctor , sir.

Re: Making simple Ping checker - Dziugsas - 09.11.2014

Originally Posted by sammp
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First thing is that you're not delaying your kick which means the user won't see the messages.

You over-commented the script - it doesn't need to be detailed that much..
I know about the delayed kick ,thats what i commented in the lines about that message.Never to much explanation...If you re good at scripting and understand how programming works doesn't mean that everyone is too.

Re: Making simple Ping checker - fall3n - 10.11.2014

I liked the concept used here but it's true that not everyone would like the way you colored here. The post would've looked better if you included another RAW code without any explanation. Other than that I liked the way of warning first and then kicking if not kept well.

Originally Posted by sammp
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First thing is that you're not delaying your kick which means the user won't see the messages.

You over-commented the script - it doesn't need to be detailed that much..
Or rather use this for delaying kick/ban to save time -