Stick Servers -
BornHuman - 03.11.2014
I have tons of servers on my SA:MP list, and some I play more often than others. But sometimes, I accidentally hit a feature at the top that sorts my servers in a way I didn't want them to be sorted - and I no longer can locate that server that I play often. Much like vBulletin, what would you guys think that if in 0.4 (or 0.3zadcead), there was an option to stick servers to your client. This way, if I had ten DM servers on my list, and ten roleplay servers, I could stick the DM server that I play most often (such as UIF), to the top of my client. And then, I could stick the RP server that I play most often (such as LSRP), to the top of my list. That way I could easily locate them. Unnecessary? Quite. However, I think that it would be a convenient feature. Let me know what you think, and possibly maybe it could get added.
Re: Stick Servers -
Potassium - 03.11.2014
Yeah this would be cool. It's not essential, or urgent, or even necessary, but I'd certainly use it.
Re: Stick Servers -
Alex MagaŃa - 03.11.2014
This is a good suggestion. +1
Re: Stick Servers -
Kar - 04.11.2014
theres a way to get back your old sorting, as soon as you sort it, close the client and reopen it. It seems like the client browser takes awhile to write that information. This ALWAYS works for me.