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[FilterScript] at-400 Landing In Lv AriPort Bot - Printable Version

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at-400 Landing In Lv AriPort Bot - UltraScripter - 31.10.2014

Hi Guys So i Was Bored And Created A Bot At-400 That Lands In Lv Airport

Some Pic:



Download Link :

Make Sure To Open server.cfg find maxnpc and change it to 1 or even more

Hope You Enjoey my Script Guys

Re: at-400 Landing In Lv AriPort Bot - MasonSFW - 31.10.2014

Nice script

Re: at-400 Landing In Lv AriPort Bot - KingServerIRAN - 31.10.2014

Good Job

Re: at-400 Landing In Lv AriPort Bot - UltraScripter - 31.10.2014

thx guys

Re: at-400 Landing In Lv AriPort Bot - BobiMk - 31.10.2014

nice bro D:

Re: at-400 Landing In Lv AriPort Bot - UltraScripter - 01.11.2014

Thx bro