[Help] Animation - Printable Version
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[Help] Animation -
Rudimental - 25.10.2014
Script that I use: Raven's
Problem: I have a problem and that is that when I get out of a moving vehicle you know you need to do Rolling animation and my problem is that these animations are no longer excursion when the car is in motion, which the player stands upright place that did Rolling animation.
Re: [Help] Animation -
osman2571 - 25.10.2014
Probaj ovu animaciju
Re: [Help] Animation -
Rudimental - 25.10.2014
Originally Posted by osman2571
Probaj ovu animaciju
A gde da je stavim brt
Re: [Help] Animation -
osman2571 - 25.10.2014
Reko sam ti na balkan sampu kako da napravis
napravi mali neki sistem koji otkriva jeli igrac napustio vozilo to i to
i napravi ako jeste da stavlja tu animaciju..
Zar je to tesko ?
Re: [Help] Animation -
DanishHaq - 25.10.2014
Not to be rude and butt into your conversation, but we're only allowed to speak English in this section. Use the Personal Message feature to speak to each other or go to your corresponding language here:
Re: [Help] Animation -
osman2571 - 25.10.2014
DanishHaq Rudimental speak my language and i try to help him..
Re: [Help] Animation -
DanishHaq - 26.10.2014
Originally Posted by osman2571
DanishHaq Rudimental speak my language and i try to help him..
I can see that, I'm not blind. You shouldn't be speaking any other language apart from English here as if you do speak other languages it can cause problems. Use the link above to find your language, if it's not there use the PM feature