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[Tutorial] Kick players automatically, if they have "admin" in their name. - Printable Version

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Kick players automatically, if they have "admin" in their name. - Pawnify - 24.10.2014

Hey guys, this is my first tutorial. Ever wondered how to kick players automatically from your server if they have Admin in their name? Well this tutorial can help.

[*]Firstly, we need to put this under the OnPlayerConnect function.
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
	new pname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME],string[125]; // These are our variables pname stores the players name for later use, and string is used later too.
	GetPlayerName(playerid,pname,sizeof(pname)); // This reads what player is connecting and saves it to the variable pname that we made.
	if(strfind(pname, "admin", true) != -1) // We use strfind, to check if a certain variable contains something. In this case, we are checking if the players name contains "admin"
	    format(string, sizeof(string), "{FF0000}Hello %s, your name contains the word 'Admin' please change it.",pname);// We use format here, so we can send the player a message with his/her name inside of it.
	    SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, string);// This uses the format what we did above, it basically sends whatever is inside of the format above.
	SetTimerEx("KickPlayer", 100, false, "i", playerid);// We use a timer here, as if we didn't the player would not see the message before he was kicked.
	return 1;
[*]Then we need to make the KickPlayer function
forward KickPlayer(playerid);
public KickPlayer(playerid)// This function will be called when the timer goes down, whatever is inside here will be run.
	Kick(playerid);// Finally, this kicks the player from the server.
	return 1;

[*]Finished Result
forward KickPlayer(playerid);
public KickPlayer(playerid)
	return 1;

public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
	new pname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME],string[125]; GetPlayerName(playerid,pname,sizeof(pname));
	if(strfind(pname, "admin", true) != -1)
	    format(string, sizeof(string), "{FF0000}Hello %s, your name contains the word 'Admin' please change it.",pname);
	    SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, string);
		SetTimerEx("KickPlayer", 100, false, "i", playerid);
	return 1;
Note: I was going to just release this as a filter script.. but it looked kinda too small to be one. So I thought I'd release a small tutorial instead.

Re: Kick players automatically, if they have "admin" in their name. - Glossy42O - 25.10.2014

Nice but has bugs.

Re: Kick players automatically, if they have "admin" in their name. - Pawnify - 25.10.2014

Originally Posted by Stuun
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Nice but has bugs.
Which bugs.

Re: Kick players automatically, if they have "admin" in their name. - Glossy42O - 25.10.2014

Well. I connected with Admin and it worked then i connected with my name "[Cali]Stuun"

It said hello cali stuun your name contains admin bla bla.. like i still have admin

Re: Kick players automatically, if they have "admin" in their name. - Pawnify - 25.10.2014

Originally Posted by Stuun
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Well. I connected with Admin and it worked then i connected with my name "[Cali]Stuun"

It said hello cali stuun your name contains admin bla bla.. like i still have admin
Really? Let me test it again.

Re: Kick players automatically, if they have "admin" in their name. - Glossy42O - 25.10.2014

Sure, go for it.

Re: Kick players automatically, if they have "admin" in their name. - Alex Magaсa - 25.10.2014

Seems you didn't test this but you copied from other gamemode/filterscript.
OT: It would be great if you put screenshot e.t.c so you can show players that this work perfect.

Re: Kick players automatically, if they have "admin" in their name. - Glossy42O - 25.10.2014

It is great i liked it very much but i'd like it more if it was dialog :P

Re: Kick players automatically, if they have "admin" in their name. - Pawnify - 25.10.2014

Works perfectly for me. I even tried your name.

Re: Kick players automatically, if they have "admin" in their name. - Pawnify - 25.10.2014

Originally Posted by Alex Magaсa
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Seems you didn't test this but you copied from other gamemode/filterscript.
OT: It would be great if you put screenshot e.t.c so you can show players that this work perfect.
I didn't copy this from another gamemode man. It's not that hard to make. I did test it, once.