[Solved] mSelection: nothing happens after click model -
Spreadhaz - 24.10.2014
When i click any item on the list nothing happens, also it doesnt hidde when i press ESC
I put this on my gamemode
pawn Code:
ShowModelSelectionMenu(playerid, lsmdduty, "Selecciona una vestimenta");
pawn Code:
public OnPlayerModelSelection(playerid, response, listid, modelid)
if(listid == lsmdduty)
new string[256];
format(string, sizeof(string), "{DA7878}El paramйdico %s se ha puesto en servicio. Telйfono de servicio: 911", GetPlayerNameEx(playerid));
SendMessageToAll(string ,true);
printf("El paramйdico %s se ha puesto en servicio. Telйfono de servicio: 911", GetPlayerNameEx(playerid));
format(string, sizeof(string), "*El %s %s se coloca su vestimenta reglamental y se pone en servicio.",GetPlayerRank(playerid),GetPlayerNameIC(playerid));
ProxDetector(30.0, playerid,string,COLOR_ME,COLOR_ME,COLOR_ME,COLOR_ME,COLOR_ME);printf("%s", string);
PlayerInfo[playerid][pDuty] = modelid;
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_ENABLED, "Te has puesto en servicio!");
SetPlayerSkin(playerid, modelid);
else SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_ERROR, "Debes seleccionar un traje de LSMD para ponerte en servicio!");
return 1;
return 1;
I can select the items, but nothing happens when I click some of them. I can't cancel it, also if I press ESC, my cursor disappears but the catalog doesn't hide.
Respuesta: mSelection: nothing happens after click model -
Spreadhaz - 25.10.2014
need help!
Re: mSelection: nothing happens after click model -
Metroplex - 25.10.2014
Maybe you mean modelid instead of listid?
Respuesta: Re: mSelection: nothing happens after click model -
Spreadhaz - 25.10.2014
Originally Posted by Metroplex
Maybe you mean modelid instead of listid?
Listid is the id of the skin list "lsmdduty", modelid is the model set in each button. But the problem is when I click some model, nothing happens. I can't cancel it, even if I press ESC, the catalog closes but it doesn't hide. When I put the cursor on a model, it is detected and the model's background changes of color, but nothing happens after click.
Re: mSelection: nothing happens after click model -
Quickie - 25.10.2014
there must be something that contrast the mSelection
must be the other textdraw system filterscript if u have one
Respuesta: Re: mSelection: nothing happens after click model -
Spreadhaz - 25.10.2014
Originally Posted by Quickie
there must be something that contrast the mSelection
must be the other textdraw system filterscript if u have one
I currently have 2 filterscripts working in my gamemode. But there aren't textdraws in those.
Respuesta: mSelection: nothing happens after click model -
Spreadhaz - 26.10.2014
I noticed, PlayerTextDraws in my gamemode cannot be hidden, they can be selected but nothing happens after click.
Respuesta: Re: mSelection: nothing happens after click model -
Spreadhaz - 26.10.2014
Originally Posted by Y_Less
That is probably the problem - the two are conflicting in processing or returns.
You're right. I removed those 2 filterscripts, then it works now!
Thank you.
Respuesta: Re: mSelection: nothing happens after click model -
Spreadhaz - 26.10.2014
Originally Posted by Quickie
there must be something that contrast the mSelection
must be the other textdraw system filterscript if u have one
thank you too