---------- Loaded log file: "server_log.txt". ---------- SA-MP Dedicated Server ---------------------- v0.3z, ©2005-2014 SA-MP Team [22:50:57] filterscripts = "" (string) [22:50:57] [22:50:57] Server Plugins [22:50:57] -------------- [22:50:57] Loading plugin: whirlpool [22:50:57] [22:50:57] ================== [22:50:57] [22:50:57] Whirlpool loaded [22:50:57] [22:50:57] ================== [22:50:57] [22:50:57] Loaded. [22:50:57] Loading plugin: regex [22:50:57] [22:50:57] ______________________________________ [22:50:57] Regular Expression Plugin v0.2.1 loaded [22:50:57] ______________________________________ [22:50:57] By: Fro © Copyright <TBG> 2009-2011 [22:50:57] ______________________________________ [22:50:57] Loaded. [22:50:57] Loading plugin: mysql [22:50:57] Failed. [22:50:57] Loading plugin: crashdetect [22:50:57] CrashDetect v4.15 is OK. [22:50:57] Loaded. [22:50:57] Loading plugin: audio [22:50:57] *** Audio Plugin v0.4 by Incognito loaded *** [22:50:57] Loaded. [22:50:57] Loaded 4 plugins. [22:50:57] [22:50:57] Filterscripts [22:50:57] --------------- [22:50:57] Loaded 0 filterscripts. [22:50:57] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found" [22:50:57] [debug] Audio_RenamePlayer [22:50:57] [debug] mysql_debug [22:50:57] [debug] mysql_query [22:50:57] [debug] mysql_real_escape_string [22:50:57] [debug] mysql_store_result [22:50:57] [debug] mysql_num_rows [22:50:57] [debug] mysql_retrieve_row [22:50:57] [debug] mysql_fetch_field_row [22:50:57] [debug] mysql_fetch_row_format [22:50:57] [debug] mysql_insert_id [22:50:57] [debug] Audio_StopRadio [22:50:57] [debug] mysql_free_result [22:50:57] [debug] mysql_connect [22:50:57] [debug] mysql_ping [22:50:57] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found" [22:50:57] [debug] Audio_RenamePlayer [22:50:57] [debug] mysql_debug [22:50:57] [debug] mysql_query [22:50:57] [debug] mysql_real_escape_string [22:50:57] [debug] mysql_store_result [22:50:57] [debug] mysql_num_rows [22:50:57] [debug] mysql_retrieve_row [22:50:57] [debug] mysql_fetch_field_row [22:50:57] [debug] mysql_fetch_row_format [22:50:57] [debug] mysql_insert_id [22:50:57] [debug] Audio_StopRadio [22:50:57] [debug] mysql_free_result [22:50:57] [debug] mysql_connect [22:50:57] [debug] mysql_ping [22:50:57] Script[gamemodes/rp.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found" [22:50:57] Number of vehicle models: 0
re-compile the script with the new includes or the current mysql you use for.
---------- Loaded log file: "server_log.txt". ---------- SA-MP Dedicated Server ---------------------- v0.3z, ©2005-2014 SA-MP Team [13:32:13] filterscripts = "" (string) [13:32:13] [13:32:13] Server Plugins [13:32:13] -------------- [13:32:13] Loading plugin: whirlpool [13:32:13] [13:32:13] ================== [13:32:13] [13:32:13] Whirlpool loaded [13:32:13] [13:32:13] ================== [13:32:13] [13:32:13] Loaded. [13:32:13] Loading plugin: regex [13:32:13] [13:32:13] ______________________________________ [13:32:13] Regular Expression Plugin v0.2.1 loaded [13:32:13] ______________________________________ [13:32:13] By: Fro © Copyright <TBG> 2009-2011 [13:32:13] ______________________________________ [13:32:13] Loaded. [13:32:13] Loading plugin: mysql [13:32:13] > MySQL plugin R6-2 successfully loaded. [13:32:13] Loaded. [13:32:13] Loading plugin: crashdetect [13:32:13] CrashDetect v4.15 is OK. [13:32:13] Loaded. [13:32:13] Loading plugin: nativechecker [13:32:13] Loaded. [13:32:13] Loading plugin: audio [13:32:13] *** Audio Plugin v0.5 R2 by Incognito loaded *** [13:32:13] Loaded. [13:32:13] Loaded 6 plugins. [13:32:13] [13:32:13] Filterscripts [13:32:13] --------------- [13:32:13] Loaded 0 filterscripts. [13:32:13] Error: Function not registered: 'Audio_CreateTCPServer' [13:32:13] Error: Function not registered: 'Audio_AddPlayer' [13:32:13] Error: Function not registered: 'Audio_RemovePlayer' [13:32:13] Error: Function not registered: 'Audio_RenamePlayer' [13:32:13] Error: Function not registered: 'Audio_IsClientConnected' [13:32:13] Error: Function not registered: 'Audio_PlayStreamed' [13:32:13] Error: Function not registered: 'Audio_Set3DPosition' [13:32:13] Error: Function not registered: 'Audio_SetVolume' [13:32:13] Error: Function not registered: 'Audio_Stop' [13:32:13] Error: Function not registered: 'Audio_StopRadio' [13:32:13] *** Audio Plugin: Started TCP server on port 7777 [13:32:13] Connecting to MySQL server.. [13:32:13] Unable to connect to MySQL server... Quitting [13:32:13] Server Enviroment: DEV [13:32:13] Text Draws Created. [13:32:13] Menus Created. [13:32:13] Running new race [13:32:14] Incoming connection: [13:32:15] Incoming connection: [13:32:15] Incoming connection: [13:32:16] Job Vehicles Created. [13:32:16] Job Pickups Created. [13:32:16] Invalid modelid for object: F_CreateObject(0, 1415.430053, 373.579986, 20.649999, 0.000000, 0.000000, -110.400001); [13:32:16] Streamed Objects: 903 [13:32:16] 37 Gates Added [13:32:16] 6 Speed Cameras Added [13:32:16] Refreshing Population [13:32:16] Refreshing Market Prices... [13:32:16] ---------------------------------- [13:32:16] RP Script By TJ (SAMP Forums: TTJJ) [13:32:16] This script comes AS IS, I offer NO support or assistance in its operation [13:32:16] Please do not remove credits or claim this script was made by yourself [13:32:16] ---------------------------------- [13:32:16] Number of vehicle models: 10 [13:32:16] --- Server Shutting Down. [13:32:16] [13:32:16] ==================== [13:32:16] [13:32:16] Whirlpool unloaded [13:32:16] [13:32:16] ==================== [13:32:16] [13:32:16] [13:32:16] ______________________________________ [13:32:16] Regular Expression Plugin v0.2.1 unloaded [13:32:16] ______________________________________