Server Bug - Printable Version
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Server Bug -
abhishekshivam - 10.10.2014
Don't exactly where to post it. but please help.
Bug: When you're playing in game You Loose All Your Weapons and it Become a Sniper/Minigun That You Cant Use (with ammo :-3563-30) as you joined the server you'll get bugged.
Can anyone explain why is it happening or how to fix it?
Re: Server Bug -
abhishekshivam - 10.10.2014
Re: Server Bug -
SKAzini - 10.10.2014
Weapon ammos get "corrupted" when they go over 9999 (or something like that). You might wanna make a check when loading ammos, checking if the ammo is under 0, which means that it is corrupted. If so, give 9999 ammo.