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Vehicle health. - Printable Version

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Vehicle health. - KesaSport - 06.10.2014

pawn Код:
public ServerTimer()
    for(new i; i < MAX_VEHICLES; i++)
        if(i != INVALID_VEHICLE_ID)
            new Float:vHp;
            GetVehicleHealth(i, vHp);
            if(vHp != 999.0) SetVehicleHealth(i, 999.0);
    return (true);
why it's not calling when vehicle is empty?

AW: Vehicle health. - lcp9 - 06.10.2014

Can you show use the SetTimer function ?

Re: Vehicle health. - Pottus - 06.10.2014

if(i != INVALID_VEHICLE_ID) the fuck ?

Re: AW: Vehicle health. - KesaSport - 06.10.2014

Everything works when player in vehicle....

AW: Vehicle health. - lcp9 - 06.10.2014

Please show us the code where the timer is.

Re: Vehicle health. - KesaSport - 06.10.2014

You think I'm stupid?
public OnGameModeInit()
SetTimer("ServerTimer", 50, true);
return 1;

Re: Vehicle health. - Ahmad45123 - 06.10.2014

Add print("Test") in the timer, And see if the timer gets actually called...

If not, Then you may not have forwarded the function.

Add forward ServerTimer(); in the top of the public.

Re: Vehicle health. - KesaSport - 06.10.2014

As I say, every works when vehicle is occupied. But whent vehicle un-occupied code doesn't call.

Re: Vehicle health. - Vince - 06.10.2014

Vehicles can't be damaged unless someone's in them, anyway.

Re: Vehicle health. - Quickie - 07.10.2014

just use
pawn Код:
public OnUnoccupiedVehicleUpdate(vehicleid, playerid, passenger_seat, Float:new_x, Float:new_y, Float:new_z, Float:vel_x, Float:vel_y, Float:vel_z)