I have one problem with Dialog, I'm added button "Next" but when I click at the "Next" nothing happens.
Dialog_PlayerCommands(playerid, response, listitem)
// Just close the dialog if the player clicked "Cancel"
// Reset the FirstCommand (so the list won't start at an unexpected location in the list, but back at the start of the list)
APlayerData[playerid][DialogFirstItem] = 0;
return 1; // Exit the function
// Process the selected listitem
switch (listitem)
case 11: // Player chooses "Next..."
// Add 5 to the FirstCommand, so the list will start further down the array (will show the next 5 commands)
APlayerData[playerid][DialogFirstItem] = APlayerData[playerid][DialogFirstItem] + 5;
// Create a new list of commands and show the dialog
return 1;