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Can't Compile [MySQL] (+rep) - Printable Version

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Can't Compile [MySQL] (+rep) - ManGoe - 02.10.2014

pawn Код:
public DisplayDialogForPlayer(playerid, dialogid)
        case 1:
            ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,1,DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD,"{1B8AE4}Login","{FFFFFF}Welcome to the {1B8AE4}Life of Flying %s\n\n{FFFFFF}This account is {1B8AE4}registered. {FFFFFF}To gain access, input your password below","Login","Quit",PlayerName(playerid);
E:\Main\Life of Flying 0.3x (1)\Life of Flying 0.3x\gamemodes\LoF.pwn(16625) : error 001: expected token: ",", but found ";"

Re: Can't Compile [MySQL] (+rep) - Raefal - 02.10.2014

ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 1, DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD, "{1B8AE4}Login", "{FFFFFF}Welcome to the {1B8AE4}Life of Flying %s\n\n{FFFFFF}This account is {1B8AE4}registered. {FFFFFF}To gain access, input your password below", "Login", "Quit", PlayerName(playerid));

Re: Can't Compile [MySQL] (+rep) - ManGoe - 02.10.2014

Testing +repped

Re: Can't Compile [MySQL] (+rep) - ManGoe - 02.10.2014

Lol doesnt fixed
This happened

Re: Can't Compile [MySQL] (+rep) - daniscape - 02.10.2014

it isent the dialog itself, its the coding can u show us so more coding?

Re: Can't Compile [MySQL] (+rep) - ManGoe - 02.10.2014

pawn Код:
  case 1:
           ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 1, DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD, "{1B8AE4}Login", "{FFFFFF}Welcome to the {1B8AE4}Life of Flying %s\n\n{FFFFFF}This account is {1B8AE4}registered. {FFFFFF}To gain access, input your password below", "Login", "Quit", PlayerName(playerid));

        case 2:
            ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,2,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"{FF9900}Registration","{FFFFFF}Welcome to the {FF9900}Life of Flying\n\n{FFFFFF}Please {FF9900}register {FFFFFF}an account by typing a password below.","Register","Quit");

Re: Can't Compile [MySQL] (+rep) - daniscape - 02.10.2014

Need more coding than the dialogs

Re: Can't Compile [MySQL] (+rep) - Ox1gEN - 02.10.2014

How would you expect it to work? It is impossible to use specifiers in dialogs, unless you format a message first.

Re: Can't Compile [MySQL] (+rep) - Raefal - 02.10.2014

Try this
new str[128];
format(str, sizeof(str), , PlayerName(playerid));
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 1, DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD, "{1B8AE4}Login", str, "Login", "Quit");
If you wont to use format, use easyDialog include

Then you can make dialog like this:

Dialog_Show(playerid, 1, DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD, "{1B8AE4}Login", "{FFFFFF}Welcome to the {1B8AE4}Life of Flying %s\n\n{FFFFFF}This account is {1B8AE4}registered. {FFFFFF}To gain access, input your password below",  "Login", "Quit", PlayerName(playerid));