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Help Me Plz - Airblog - 24.09.2014

I Cant do my changes in .pawn files with pawno.exe
i think that it is
i opened this files with notepad
and i cant fix it again
how can i fix it again?

Re: Help Me Plz - iFiras - 24.09.2014

Select your file and open it with Pawno.

Re: Help Me Plz - YanLanger - 24.09.2014

Don't open it with notepad open it with pawno. :P

Re: Help Me Plz - Beckett - 24.09.2014

Woah, so hard isn't it? Open pawno -> CTRL + O > select ur file.

Re: Help Me Plz - Airblog - 24.09.2014

i do that but my changes didnt work
i opened it with pawno
didnt work again
send an error:faild to set data for'

Re: Help Me Plz - YanLanger - 24.09.2014

oh i have that problem too, Try to run as administrator :P

Re: Help Me Plz - shadithebest1 - 24.09.2014

i know this problem it happend with me before add me at skype "mrfong1" i will help you

Re: Help Me Plz - Airblog - 24.09.2014

Ty My bro the error fixed
but my changes didn't work again
my changes are just language