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Dynamic Entrance system SC-RP - Printable Version

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Dynamic Entrance system SC-RP - fonia5 - 22.09.2014

Whenever i try and set 2 entrances in the same interior i can enter one of them but i cant exit on the other one it's like it cant have 2 entrances on the same interior.

So i can make a entrance on the los santos department with the interior and i also make a entrance at the garage to enter the same interior but whenever i enter the 1st entrance i cant exit out of the 2nd entrance.

Really what am trying to say is i want to make them work with the same interior
CMD:createentrance(playerid, params[])
    if (PlayerData[playerid][pAdmin] < 5)
	    return SendErrorMessage(playerid, "You don't have permission to use this command.");

	if (isnull(params) || strlen(params) > 32)
	    return SendSyntaxMessage(playerid, "/createentrance [name]");

	new id = Entrance_Create(playerid, params);

	if (id == -1)
	    return SendErrorMessage(playerid, "The server has reached the limit for entrances.");

	SendServerMessage(playerid, "You have successfully created entrance ID: %d.", id);
	return 1;

CMD:editentrance(playerid, params[])

	if (PlayerData[playerid][pAdmin] < 5)
	    return SendErrorMessage(playerid, "You don't have permission to use this command.");

	if (sscanf(params, "ds[24]S()[128]", id, type, string))
	 	SendSyntaxMessage(playerid, "/editentrance [id] [name]");
	    SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "[NAMES]:{FFFFFF} location, interior, password, name, locked, mapicon, type, custom, virtual");
		return 1;
	if ((id < 0 || id >= MAX_ENTRANCES) || !EntranceData[id][entranceExists])
	    return SendErrorMessage(playerid, "You have specified an invalid entrance ID.");

	if (!strcmp(type, "location", true))
	    GetPlayerPos(playerid, EntranceData[id][entrancePos][0], EntranceData[id][entrancePos][1], EntranceData[id][entrancePos][2]);
		GetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, EntranceData[id][entrancePos][3]);

		EntranceData[id][entranceExterior] = GetPlayerInterior(playerid);
		EntranceData[id][entranceExteriorVW] = GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid);


		SendAdminAlert(COLOR_LIGHTRED, "[ADMIN]: %s has adjusted the location of entrance ID: %d.", ReturnName(playerid, 0), id);
	else if (!strcmp(type, "interior", true))
	    GetPlayerPos(playerid, EntranceData[id][entranceInt][0], EntranceData[id][entranceInt][1], EntranceData[id][entranceInt][2]);
		GetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, EntranceData[id][entranceInt][3]);

		EntranceData[id][entranceInterior] = GetPlayerInterior(playerid);

        foreach (new i : Player)
			if (PlayerData[i][pEntrance] == EntranceData[id][entranceID])
				SetPlayerPos(i, EntranceData[id][entranceInt][0], EntranceData[id][entranceInt][1], EntranceData[id][entranceInt][2]);
				SetPlayerFacingAngle(i, EntranceData[id][entranceInt][3]);

				SetPlayerInterior(i, EntranceData[id][entranceInterior]);
		SendAdminAlert(COLOR_LIGHTRED, "[ADMIN]: %s has adjusted the interior spawn of entrance ID: %d.", ReturnName(playerid, 0), id);
	else if (!strcmp(type, "custom", true))
	    new status;

	    if (sscanf(string, "d", status))
	        return SendSyntaxMessage(playerid, "/editentrance [id] [custom] [0/1]");

		if (status < 0 || status > 1)
		    return SendErrorMessage(playerid, "You must specify at least 0 or 1.");

	    EntranceData[id][entranceCustom] = status;
	    if (status) {
			SendAdminAlert(COLOR_LIGHTRED, "[ADMIN]: %s has enabled custom interior mode for entrance ID: %d.", ReturnName(playerid, 0), id);
		else {
		    SendAdminAlert(COLOR_LIGHTRED, "[ADMIN]: %s has disabled custom interior mode for entrance ID: %d.", ReturnName(playerid, 0), id);
	else if (!strcmp(type, "virtual", true))
	    new worldid;

	    if (sscanf(string, "d", worldid))
	        return SendSyntaxMessage(playerid, "/editentrance [id] [virtual] [interior world]");

	    EntranceData[id][entranceWorld] = worldid;

		foreach (new i : Player) if (Entrance_Inside(i) == id) {
			SetPlayerVirtualWorld(i, worldid);
		SendAdminAlert(COLOR_LIGHTRED, "[ADMIN]: %s has adjusted the virtual of entrance ID: %d to %d.", ReturnName(playerid, 0), id, worldid);
	else if (!strcmp(type, "mapicon", true))
	    new icon;

	    if (sscanf(string, "d", icon))
	        return SendSyntaxMessage(playerid, "/editentrance [id] [mapicon] [map icon]");

		if (icon < 0 || icon > 63)
		    return SendErrorMessage(playerid, "Invalid map icon! Valid map icons can be found at \"\".");

	    EntranceData[id][entranceIcon] = icon;


		SendAdminAlert(COLOR_LIGHTRED, "[ADMIN]: %s has adjusted the price of entrance ID: %d to %d.", ReturnName(playerid, 0), id, icon);
	else if (!strcmp(type, "password", true))
	    new password[32];

	    if (sscanf(string, "s[32]", password))
	        return SendSyntaxMessage(playerid, "/editentrance [id] [password] [entrance pass] (use 'none' to disable)");

		if (!strcmp(password, "none", true)) {
			EntranceData[id][entrancePass][0] = 0;
		else {
		    format(EntranceData[id][entrancePass], 32, password);
		SendAdminAlert(COLOR_LIGHTRED, "[ADMIN]: %s has adjusted the password of entrance ID: %d to \"%s\".", ReturnName(playerid, 0), id, password);
	else if (!strcmp(type, "locked", true))
	    new locked;

	    if (sscanf(string, "d", locked))
	        return SendSyntaxMessage(playerid, "/editentrance [id] [locked] [locked 0/1]");

		if (locked < 0 || locked > 1)
		    return SendErrorMessage(playerid, "Invalid value. Use 0 for unlocked and 1 for locked.");

	    EntranceData[id][entranceLocked] = locked;

	    if (locked) {
			SendAdminAlert(COLOR_LIGHTRED, "[ADMIN]: %s has locked entrance ID: %d.", ReturnName(playerid, 0), id);
		} else {
		    SendAdminAlert(COLOR_LIGHTRED, "[ADMIN]: %s has unlocked entrance ID: %d.", ReturnName(playerid, 0), id);
	else if (!strcmp(type, "name", true))
	    new name[32];

	    if (sscanf(string, "s[32]", name))
	        return SendSyntaxMessage(playerid, "/editentrance [id] [name] [new name]");

	    format(EntranceData[id][entranceName], 32, name);


		SendAdminAlert(COLOR_LIGHTRED, "[ADMIN]: %s has adjusted the name of entrance ID: %d to \"%s\".", ReturnName(playerid, 0), id, name);
	else if (!strcmp(type, "type", true))
	    new typeint;

	    if (sscanf(string, "d", typeint))
	        SendSyntaxMessage(playerid, "/editentrance [id] [type] [entrance type]");
			SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "[TYPES]:{FFFFFF} 0: None | 1: DMV | 2: Bank | 3: Warehouse | 4: City Hall | 5: Shooting Range");
			return 1;
		if (typeint < 0 || typeint > 5)
			return SendErrorMessage(playerid, "The specified type must be between 0 and 5.");

		if (EntranceData[id][entranceType] == 3 && typeint != 3) {
		else if (EntranceData[id][entranceType] != 3 && typeint == 3) {
        EntranceData[id][entranceType] = typeint;

        switch (typeint) {
            case 1: {
            	EntranceData[id][entranceInt][0] = -2029.5531;
           		EntranceData[id][entranceInt][1] = -118.8003;
            	EntranceData[id][entranceInt][2] = 1035.1719;
            	EntranceData[id][entranceInt][3] = 0.0000;
				EntranceData[id][entranceInterior] = 3;
			case 2: {
            	EntranceData[id][entranceInt][0] = 1456.1918;
           		EntranceData[id][entranceInt][1] = -987.9417;
            	EntranceData[id][entranceInt][2] = 996.1050;
            	EntranceData[id][entranceInt][3] = 90.0000;
				EntranceData[id][entranceInterior] = 6;
            case 3: {
                EntranceData[id][entranceInt][0] = 1291.8246;
           		EntranceData[id][entranceInt][1] = 5.8714;
            	EntranceData[id][entranceInt][2] = 1001.0078;
            	EntranceData[id][entranceInt][3] = 180.0000;
				EntranceData[id][entranceInterior] = 18;
			case 4: {
			    EntranceData[id][entranceInt][0] = 390.1687;
           		EntranceData[id][entranceInt][1] = 173.8072;
            	EntranceData[id][entranceInt][2] = 1008.3828;
            	EntranceData[id][entranceInt][3] = 90.0000;
				EntranceData[id][entranceInterior] = 3;
			case 5: {
			    EntranceData[id][entranceInt][0] = 304.0165;
           		EntranceData[id][entranceInt][1] = -141.9894;
            	EntranceData[id][entranceInt][2] = 1004.0625;
            	EntranceData[id][entranceInt][3] = 90.0000;
				EntranceData[id][entranceInterior] = 7;
		foreach (new i : Player)
			if (PlayerData[i][pEntrance] == EntranceData[id][entranceID])
				SetPlayerPos(i, EntranceData[id][entranceInt][0], EntranceData[id][entranceInt][1], EntranceData[id][entranceInt][2]);
				SetPlayerFacingAngle(i, EntranceData[id][entranceInt][3]);

				SetPlayerInterior(i, EntranceData[id][entranceInterior]);
		SendAdminAlert(COLOR_LIGHTRED, "[ADMIN]: %s has adjusted the type of entrance ID: %d to %d.", ReturnName(playerid, 0), id, typeint);
	return 1;

Re: Dynamic Entrance system SC-RP - fonia5 - 03.10.2014

Bump still having the issue.

Re: Dynamic Entrance system SC-RP - The__ - 03.10.2014

It's because the virtual worlds are different. You'd have to edit the virtual worlds. Which the command for virtual worlds for SC-RP I don't think was added until v0.21 or something, which isn't released.

Re: Dynamic Entrance system SC-RP - fonia5 - 04.10.2014

their is a virtual world command i set them both to 0 still didn't let me exit out of the other door.