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Anti Ad in /pm - Printable Version

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Anti Ad in /pm - SPA - 10.09.2014

I'v pm system, but some players abuse it, such as send to other people IP's , can i make anti Ad, which return 0; or kick player?, this is the cmd:

CMD:pm(playerid, params[])
    if(time2[playerid] > gettime()) return GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~b~Please Wait 5 Seconds!",2000,3);
    new str[256], str2[256], id, Name1[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], Name2[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
    if(sscanf(params, "us", id, str2))
        GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~Y~/pm ~R~<id> <message>~N~~Y~/pms ~W~to ~G~enable ~W~/~R~disable ~W~the messages",5000,3);
        return 1;
    if(!IsPlayerConnected(id)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000FF, "ERROR: Player not connected");
    if(GetPVarInt(id, "PMEnabled") == 0) return GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~n~~n~~r~Player Disabled PM", 3000, 5);
    if(playerid == id) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000FF, "ERROR: You cannot pm yourself!");
        GetPlayerName(playerid, Name1, sizeof(Name1));
        GetPlayerName(id, Name2, sizeof(Name2));
        format(str, sizeof(str), "PM To %s(ID %d): %s", Name2, id, str2);
        SendClientMessage(playerid, Yellow, str);
        GameTextForPlayer(id,"~N~~N~~N~~N~~N~~N~~N~~b~You got a new message!",3000,3);
        format(str, sizeof(str), "PM From %s(ID %d): %s", Name1, playerid, str2);
        SendClientMessage(id, Green, str);
        time2[playerid] = gettime() +5;
    return 1;

Re: Anti Ad in /pm - Rifa4life - 10.09.2014

Just use something like this:
pawn Код:
if(strfind(word,"http://",true)!=-1 || strfind(word,"prpg",true)!=-1 || strfind(word,".com",true)!=-1 || strfind(word,".net",true)!=-1 || strfind(word,"91.",true)!=-1 || strfind(word,"195.",true)!=-1 || strfind(word,".org",true)!=-1 || strfind(word,"n4g",true)!=-1 || strfind(word,"prpg",true)!=-1 || strfind(word,"-rp",true)!=-1)
        return kick/ban/whatever, 0;
Obvoiusly change the strings to keywords that you want to catch out. Put it as a condition before sending anything out.

Re: Anti Ad in /pm - SPA - 16.09.2014

but there are many websites such as .ae .. is there are another way?

Re: Anti Ad in /pm - biker122 - 16.09.2014

ok how do you detect advertisement in the main chat? (OnPlayerText)
or are you asking us to create an anti-ad system?

AW: Anti Ad in /pm - NaS - 16.09.2014

Ads are very hard to detect. If they are IPs or websites you can check them with regex (search it on the forums, regex can also filter things like "blah . com").
But there is ALWAYS a way to avoid the filter, like "blah dot com" or whatever, you just have to be creative.

To block websites, there are lists of all (or all common) top-level-domains (= ".de", ".com" etc.), so you don't have to make a list yourself.

But honestly, I'd rather let some ads be there than every 3rd chat message being blocked because of a too sensitive filter.

Re: Anti Ad in /pm - Mohamedilham - 16.09.2014

i have that