a_Infobox -
Azure - 06.09.2014
Hello guys,
at first, i want to say, that i'm from germany, so my english isn't very well.
Today, i want to be active in the English SA:MP Forum too and want to present little works of me.
Now its about a Infobox include. With this include you can create a simple infobox in 2 different styles.
The include is able to show Infoboxes to players, or to everybody, who is on the server.
And surely u can decide the time, how long the infobox should be shown.
The include has already been released in a german SA:MP forum.
InfoText(playerid,"SA:MP","This Include was created~n~by Azure.",4000);
InfoTextForAll("SA:MP","Servermessage for all users.~n~This Include was created~n~by Azure.",5000);
Click here
Click here
I hope this include will be useful for some people.
AW: a_Infobox -
Azure - 06.09.2014
No Comments? :O
Re: a_Infobox -
PreetZ - 07.09.2014
This include is nice. It would be used as MOTD in my server
Re: a_Infobox -
JonathanW - 07.09.2014
Nice Work. It'd be better if you made it Split the Message Automatically. Like, you don't need to use '~n~' everytime. Still, it's impressive.
AW: Re: a_Infobox -
Azure - 07.09.2014
Originally Posted by PreetZ
This include is nice. It would be used as MOTD in my server
I'm very happy about, that this include is useful for some servers.
Thank you two for your comments!
Re : a_Infobox -
vic1997 - 04.11.2014
Hello, it's possible to delete an Infobox ?
Re: a_Infobox -
Vince - 04.11.2014
I suggest removing those fixed length arrays. That's annoying. Remove the numbers (50, 200) between the square brackets in the function headers.