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Looking for this mod. - Printable Version

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Looking for this mod. - DavidKember - 03.09.2014

Hey everyone, i'm looking for a mod that actually makes your siren lights reflect on the ground, like extra police lights blue and red, i can't find it anywhere and i'm wondering if anyone can help me or has the mod. I really appreciate it if you give it to me, Thanks.

PS : is this the right place? :@

Re: Looking for this mod. - Team_PRO - 03.09.2014

i think their are some in ******* related to this mod

but this must be posted to "Everything and Nothing" board

Re: Looking for this mod. - FlawPaw - 03.09.2014

Search for ELM, it's the most often used siren mod.
It also depends on the car mod you're using, whether if it's configured for ELM or not.

Re: Looking for this mod. - DavidKember - 03.09.2014

Nah, searched EVERYWHERE.

Re: Looking for this mod. - FlawPaw - 03.09.2014

Re: Looking for this mod. - DavidKember - 04.09.2014
