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How to complete the dead Effin body and place it on ground? - Printable Version

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How to complete the dead Effin body and place it on ground? - Norrin - 02.09.2014

I've had some help from this thread -

CreateDynamicObject(2908, cPosX-4.9000244, cPosY-0.5999756, cPosZ-1.1000004, 0, 0, 193.9957275); // Corpse head
CreateDynamicObject(2907, cPosX, cPosY, cPosZ-1, 0, 0, 274); // Corpse torso
CreateDynamicObject(2905, cPosX+0.85376, cPosY+0.161621, cPosZ-1.01857662, 0, 26, 278); // Corpse leg
CreateDynamicObject(2905, cPosX+0.739746, cPosY-0.158935, cPosZ-0.993577, 356.68469238281, 145.93511962891, 263.75891113281); // Corpse leg
CreateDynamicObject(2906, cPosX-0.081787, cPosY+0.239991, cPosZ-1.03601265, 359.30590820313, 273.93939208984, 298.02392578125); // Corpse arm
CreateDynamicObject(2906, cPosX-0.024414, cPosY-0.30957, cPosZ-1.03601265, 359.01071166992, 339.99688720703, 242.68936157227); // Corpse arm
Code marked in red is not effective and wrong.
I just can't work around with the head though. Please make it lay down on the ground in coordination with the body.

Re: How to complete the dead Effin body and place it on ground? - mzazon - 02.09.2014

What's the problem exactly?
where do you want the objects to be?

Re: How to complete the dead Effin body and place it on ground? - meitaredri - 02.09.2014

Show us cPosx, cPosy, cPosz

Re: How to complete the dead Effin body and place it on ground? - Norrin - 02.09.2014

GetPlayerPos(playerid, cPosX, cPosY, cPosZ);

I want the body to be in one piece.