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Doubt a clause in the license agreement of the SA-MP - Printable Version

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Doubt a clause in the license agreement of the SA-MP - gafr1996 - 08.08.2014

Hello, I am a user of SA-MP and would like to clear up a doubt a clause in the license agreement to install the program on your computer:

© This software may not be exploited for personal, financial or
commercial gain.

My question is this, if this clause refers to prohibit playback of the program or of copies eg sales packages for users within the created servers in SA-MP that will bring benefit to the owner of the Server and thus creating a trade in the Server created in SA-MP. To be more specific I'll give an example:

A guy creates a server within the SA-MP server and this is replaced by many users within it, and then this guy (owner of the server) has the idea to sell "special packages" paid in real money out of the server that provides benefits and profit for the owner of the server and it goes on to provide benefits for players who pay for these packages and those who can not afford are prevented from using the functions that are native game such as who pays for a VIP package Jetpack is entitled to and who do not pay, have no right ... my question is this, is it permissible within the SA-MP?

Thank you.
I await a response.

Re: Doubt a clause in the license agreement of the SA-MP - Vince - 08.08.2014

"This software" refers to the server program itself. Your own scripts are not covered by "this software". Besides, lots of servers sell special packages and none have gotten into trouble.

Re: Doubt a clause in the license agreement of the SA-MP - Twizted - 08.08.2014

The whole idea of having these "special packages" is horrendous. I'm doubtful about it being legal to sell VIP features (everyone's an important person), but it is clear that any server who sells "special features" is limiting one's gameplay and not giving everyone the same experience of the game. At the maximum, you could get some special status on the website (such as a badge), because you're not paying for game benefits. Let's not forget that most server owners who intend to obtain donations misunderstand the concept of donation.

do·na·tion: A donation is a gift given by physical or legal persons, typically for charitable purposes and/or to benefit a cause. Donations are given without return consideration.

Re: Doubt a clause in the license agreement of the SA-MP - gafr1996 - 08.08.2014

Hello Vince, I did not understand right about what I meant, could be more specific, please?

Twizted, I am with you!

P.S: My English is very bad because I'm not fluent in the language.

Thank you.

Re: Doubt a clause in the license agreement of the SA-MP - DiGiTaL_AnGeL - 08.08.2014

Servers are doing this since the beggining of the world and I've never heard of a server shut down because of this.

Re: Doubt a clause in the license agreement of the SA-MP - Potassium - 08.08.2014

Yes you are allowed to sell items in your server and sell your own scripts

No you are not allowed to sell SA-MP or the SA-MP client

Re: Doubt a clause in the license agreement of the SA-MP - AlonzoTorres - 09.08.2014

Originally Posted by gafr1996
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Hello Vince, I did not understand right about what I meant, could be more specific, please?
The license agreement does not affect your gamemode.

Originally Posted by gafr1996
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P.S: My English is very bad because I'm not fluent in the language.

Thank you.
Never say that, I never noticed any bigger problems with your language until I saw the typical "sorry bad english" statement. You're welcome.

Re: Doubt a clause in the license agreement of the SA-MP - cessil - 09.08.2014

Originally Posted by Potassium
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Yes you are allowed to sell items in your server and sell your own scripts

No you are not allowed to sell SA-MP or the SA-MP client

No Script Selling - Selling scripts or linking to sites that allow people to sell scripts is not allowed. Scripts contain content developed by other people, most notably the SA-MP team, for which you do not have redistribution rights, making selling derived works illegal. Hiring a scripter to make an entirely new script is different as you are paying for a service not a product. However, the SA-MP forums accept no responsibility for any deals made to that end.

the servers that do vip packages or whatever, are usually just selling you variable changes on a database

I believe the license is talking about selling the actual software

Re: Doubt a clause in the license agreement of the SA-MP - Potassium - 09.08.2014

Originally Posted by cessil
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No Script Selling - Selling scripts or linking to sites that allow people to sell scripts is not allowed. Scripts contain content developed by other people, most notably the SA-MP team, for which you do not have redistribution rights, making selling derived works illegal. Hiring a scripter to make an entirely new script is different as you are paying for a service not a product. However, the SA-MP forums accept no responsibility for any deals made to that end.
I think that is silly because it means that it's really just about how you word it, and really all of these people are breaking the law, but getting away with it by a technicality. "hey I'll script this for you for money" is fine, but "hey I'll script this for you and then sell it to you" isn't.

Re: Doubt a clause in the license agreement of the SA-MP - ev0lution - 09.08.2014

Originally Posted by Potassium
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I think that is silly because it means that it's really just about how you word it, and really all of these people are breaking the law, but getting away with it by a technicality. "hey I'll script this for you for money" is fine, but "hey I'll script this for you and then sell it to you" isn't.
This is in the forum rules. It has no legal bearing, it's just not permitted on the forums, which is fair enough.

My understanding of part © (which I believe dugi confirmed a few weeks ago) is that it refers specifically to the SA-MP client - i.e. you can't sell it or trick people into paying for it. SA-MP is and always has been free. It has nothing to do with servers and scripts because they're entirely out of the scope of the licence agreement.