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Help format - Ssaint - 04.08.2014


new strf[3000], str[200];
				format(str,sizeof(str),"{7ac700}» {999999}Registracijos IP: {7ac700}%s\n",playerDB[playerid][regIP]); strcat(strf, str);
				str = "{7ac700}» {999999}Paskutini karta jus buvote prisijungęs iљ {7ac700}%s {999999}IP\n",playerDB[playerid][lastIP]; strcat(strf, str);
				str = "{7ac700}» {999999}Registracijos data: {7ac700}%s\n",playerDB[playerid][regData]; strcat(strf, str);
				str = "{7ac700}» {999999}Paskutinis prisijungimas buvo {7ac700}%s\n",playerDB[playerid][lastCDate]; strcat(strf, str);
				str = "\n"; strcat(strf, str);
				str = "{7ac700}» {999999}Mūsų serveryje yra {7ac700}laimingos valandos!\n"; strcat(strf, str);
				str = "{7ac700}» {999999}Laimingų valandų sąraљas:\n"; strcat(strf, str);
				str = "{7ac700}» {999999}Nuo {7ac700}7:00 {999999}iki {7ac700}8:00\n"; strcat(strf, str);
				str = "{7ac700}» {999999}Nuo {7ac700}23:00 {999999}iki {7ac700}00:00\n"; strcat(strf, str);
				str = "{7ac700}» {999999}Laimingų valandų progą gausite {7ac700}1 XP {999999}ir {7ac700}2x ALGOS{999999}!"; strcat(strf, str);
				ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 14081, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "{7ac700}PASK. PRISIJUNGIMAS", strf, "Uћdaryti", "");
C:\Users\PC\Desktop\GameMode\gamemodes\lsfg.pwn(12724) : warning 215: expression has no effect
C:\Users\PC\Desktop\GameMode\gamemodes\lsfg.pwn(12725) : warning 215: expression has no effect
C:\Users\PC\Desktop\GameMode\gamemodes\lsfg.pwn(12726) : warning 215: expression has no effect
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664	 	 	Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

Header size:          14752 bytes
Code size:          1481796 bytes
Data size:          3570188 bytes
Stack/heap size:      16384 bytes; estimated max. usage: unknown, due to recursion
Total requirements: 5083120 bytes

3 Warnings.
[Finished in 14.2s]

Re: Help format - AiRaLoKa - 05.08.2014

use format on these lines...

pawn Код:
str = "{7ac700}» {999999}Paskutini karta jus buvote prisijungęs iљ {7ac700}%s {999999}IP\n",playerDB[playerid][lastIP];
str = "{7ac700}» {999999}Registracijos data: {7ac700}%s\n",playerDB[playerid][regData];
str = "{7ac700}» {999999}Paskutinis prisijungimas buvo {7ac700}%s\n",playerDB[playerid][lastCDate];
change them into like this

pawn Код:
format(str, sizeof str, "{7ac700}» {999999}Paskutini karta jus buvote prisijungęs iљ {7ac700}%s {999999}IP\n",playerDB[playerid][lastIP]);
format(str, sizeof str, "{7ac700}» {999999}Registracijos data: {7ac700}%s\n",playerDB[playerid][regData]);
format(str, sizeof str, "{7ac700}» {999999}Paskutinis prisijungimas buvo {7ac700}%s\n",playerDB[playerid][lastCDate]);