[REQ]Vehicle System - Printable Version
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[REQ]Vehicle System -
Ciarannn - 04.08.2014
Can any one redirect me to a link where I can download a Vehicle System?
what I need the system to include is:
Car Dealership
Car Fuel
Gas Stations
CarKeys - only owner can start the engine
CarEngine - press or type something to start the engine
Car storage - store guns(optional doesn't really matter)
Thanks in advance!
Re: [REQ]Vehicle System -
AMouldyLemon - 04.08.2014
AVS Vehicle System FS
Re: [REQ]Vehicle System - Diti1 - 04.08.2014
Here dude try this it would help you
Re: [REQ]Vehicle System -
Ciarannn - 04.08.2014
Thanks, I'm gonna use it and edit the dealership.. The whole tonnes of cars in ones spot do not do my laptop an favors... #laptoplife
Re: [REQ]Vehicle System -
Ciarannn - 05.08.2014
Anyone else, I don't like the on above... ?