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MySQL: (error #1327) Undeclared variable: 1UPDATE - Printable Version

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MySQL: (error #1327) Undeclared variable: 1UPDATE - d3ll - 30.07.2014

pawn Код:
new pname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
    new iQuery[250];
    GetPlayerName(playerid, pname, sizeof(pname));
    mysql_format(mysql, iQuery, sizeof(iQuery), "UPDATE `playerinfo` SET `Money` = %d, `Bank` = %d, `Level` = %d, `Admin` = %d, `FactionID` = %d, ", P_INFO[playerid][PMoney], P_INFO[playerid][PBank], P_INFO[playerid][PLevel], P_INFO[playerid][PAdmin], P_INFO[playerid][FactionID]);
    strcat(query, iQuery);

    mysql_format(mysql, iQuery, sizeof(iQuery), "`Renting` = %d, `Skin` = %d, `Time` = %d, `Points` = %d, `Total` = %d, `Tier` = %d, `Rank` = '%s', `Helper` = %d, ", P_INFO[playerid][houseID], P_INFO[playerid][PSkin], P_INFO[playerid][PTime], P_INFO[playerid][PPoints], P_INFO[playerid][PTotal], P_INFO[playerid][PTier], P_INFO[playerid][PRank], P_INFO[playerid][PHelper]);
    strcat(query, iQuery);

    mysql_format(mysql, iQuery, sizeof(iQuery), "`Phone` = %d, `Phonenumber` = %d, `Phonebook` = %d, `freq1` = %d, `freq2` = %d, `freq3` = %d, `freq4` = %d, `freq5` = %d, ", P_INFO[playerid][PPhone], P_INFO[playerid][PPhoneNumber], P_INFO[playerid][PPhoneBook], P_INFO[playerid][PFreq][0], P_INFO[playerid][PFreq][1], P_INFO[playerid][PFreq][2], P_INFO[playerid][PFreq][3], P_INFO[playerid][PFreq][4]);
    strcat(query, iQuery);

    mysql_format(mysql, iQuery, sizeof(iQuery), "`radio` = %d, `curfreq` = %d, `Laptop` = %d, `GPS` = %d, `Watch` = %d, `bulletsshot` = %d, `bulletslanded` = %d, `bulletsmissed` = %d, ", P_INFO[playerid][PRadio], P_INFO[playerid][PCurfreq], P_INFO[playerid][PLaptop], P_INFO[playerid][PGPS], P_INFO[playerid][PWatch], P_INFO[playerid][bullets][0], P_INFO[playerid][bullets][1], P_INFO[playerid][bullets][2]);
    strcat(query, iQuery);

    mysql_format(mysql, iQuery, sizeof(iQuery), "`tbanned` = %d, `banned` = %d, `whobannedme` = '%s', `whenigotbanned` = '%s', `banreason` = '%s', `Job` = '%s', `JobSkill` = %d, ", P_INFO[playerid][tbanned], P_INFO[playerid][banned], P_INFO[playerid][whobannedme], P_INFO[playerid][whenigotbanned], P_INFO[playerid][banreason], P_INFO[playerid][PJob], P_INFO[playerid][PJobSkill]);
    strcat(query, iQuery);

    mysql_format(mysql, iQuery, sizeof(iQuery), "`BSlots` = %d, `VSlots` = %d, `HSlots` = %d, `warns` = %d, ", P_INFO[playerid][BSlots], P_INFO[playerid][VSlots], P_INFO[playerid][HSlots], P_INFO[playerid][warn]);
    strcat(query, iQuery);
    new ipaddress[ 28 ];
    GetPlayerIp(playerid, ipaddress, sizeof(ipaddress));
    mysql_format(mysql, iQuery, sizeof(iQuery), "`tName` = '%s', `tID` = %d, `tTier` = %d, `tRank` = '%s', `rentprice` = %d, `paycheck` = %d, `ethnic` = %d, `wanted` = %d, `lastip` = '%s', `lastonline` = '%s', ", P_INFO[playerid][tName],  P_INFO[playerid][tID], P_INFO[playerid][tTier], P_INFO[playerid][tRank], P_INFO[playerid][PRentPrice], P_INFO[playerid][PPayCheck], P_INFO[playerid][ethnic], P_INFO[playerid][wanted], ipaddress, TimeDate());
    strcat(query, iQuery);

    mysql_format(mysql, iQuery, sizeof(iQuery), "`Note[0]` = '%s', `Note[1]` = '%s', `Note[2]` = '%s', `Note[3]` = '%s', `Note[4]` = '%s' WHERE `user` = '%s'", P_INFO[playerid][PNote][0], P_INFO[playerid][PNote][1], P_INFO[playerid][PNote][2], P_INFO[playerid][PNote][3], P_INFO[playerid][PNote][4], pname);
    strcat(query, iQuery);
    mysql_tquery(mysql, query, "", "");
Ermm... :/ i don't even know.

[17:28:45] [DEBUG] mysql_format - connection: 1, len: 250, format: "UPDATE `playerinfo` SET `Money` = %d, `Bank` = %d, `Level` = %d, `Admin` = %d, `FactionID` = %d, "
[17:28:45] [DEBUG] mysql_format - connection: 1, len: 250, format: "`Renting` = %d, `Skin` = %d, `Time` = %d, `Points` = %d, `Total` = %d, `Tier` = %d, `Rank` = '%s', `Helper` = %d, "
[17:28:45] [DEBUG] mysql_format - connection: 1, len: 250, format: "`Phone` = %d, `Phonenumber` = %d, `Phonebook` = %d, `freq1` = %d, `freq2` = %d, `freq3` = %d, `freq4` = %d, `freq5` = %d, "
[17:28:45] [DEBUG] mysql_format - connection: 1, len: 250, format: "`radio` = %d, `curfreq` = %d, `Laptop` = %d, `GPS` = %d, `Watch` = %d, `bulletsshot` = %d, `bulletshit` = %d, `bulletslanded` = ..."
[17:28:45] [DEBUG] mysql_format - connection: 1, len: 250, format: "`tbanned` = %d, `banned` = %d, `whobannedme` = '%s', `whenigotbanned` = '%s', `banreason` = '%s', `Job` = '%s', `JobSkill` = %d,..."
[17:28:45] [DEBUG] mysql_format - connection: 1, len: 250, format: "`BSlots` = %d, `VSlots` = %d, `HSlots` = %d, `warns` = %d, "
[17:28:45] [DEBUG] mysql_format - connection: 1, len: 250, format: "`tName` = '%s', `tID` = %d, `tTier` = %d, `tRank` = '%s', `rentprice` = %d, `paycheck` = %d, `ethnic` = %d, `wanted` = %d, `last..."
[17:28:45] [DEBUG] mysql_format - connection: 1, len: 250, format: "`Note[0]` = '%s', `Note[1]` = '%s', `Note[2]` = '%s', `Note[3]` = '%s', `Note[4]` = '%s' WHERE `user` = '%s'"
[17:28:45] [DEBUG] mysql_tquery - connection: 1, query: "SELECT * FROM `playerinfo` WHERE `user` = 'Yuusuke_Shigeki' LIMI", callback: "(null)", format: "(null)"
[17:28:45] [DEBUG] CMySQLQuery::Execute[] - starting query execution
[17:28:45] [ERROR] CMySQLQuery::Execute[] - (error #1327) Undeclared variable: 1UPDATE
[17:28:45] [DEBUG] CMySQLQuery::Execute[] - error will be triggered in OnQueryError