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Entries in the tables - Printable Version

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Entries in the tables - Baltimore - 23.07.2014

Hello there

Here I have a system object that you can ask / take down.

I use a table in this form:
variable [id] [nombre_maximum]

For security and other uses I record everything in MySQL, and the table entry I use a function.

The only trouble with this function is qu'admettons I 500 maximum, and I have a object id 1 and id 500 it does not use the unused inputs.

How do I change my function to use unused inputs?

Here's the function:

pawn Код:
stock IDExistantObjet()
    new requete[1024], result[1024];
    format(requete, sizeof(requete), "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM srp_players_objets");
    new objvar = strval(result) + 1;
    return objvar;

Re: Entries in the tables - Baltimore - 23.07.2014

PS: I use MySQL R5.

Can you help me?


Re: Entries in the tables - Virtual1ty - 23.07.2014

Show us your enums and variables in which you store object IDs - your loading and saving code.
Shortly put, using COUNT is wrong, and hence you run into these problems. The correct way would be to make a "GetFreeArraySlot" function to check which slots (array indices) are available - ie. not occupied - ie. > 0.

Re: Entries in the tables - Baltimore - 23.07.2014

And how I took to the function?

Re: Entries in the tables - Baltimore - 24.07.2014

I have coded this code but it's not work:

pawn Код:
new check_objet = 1;
    while(check_objet < MAX_OBJETS)
        if(ObjetsInfo[check_objet][PosX] == 0 || ObjetsInfo[check_objet][PosY] == 0 || ObjetsInfo[check_objet][PosZ] == 0) // OBJET PAS UTILISЙ
            return check_objet;
        if(check_objet >= MAX_OBJETS)
    return 0;

Re: Entries in the tables - Baltimore - 24.07.2014

UP please.

Re: Entries in the tables - Baltimore - 25.07.2014

UP please