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Dialog. - TakeiT - 19.07.2014

I had this working fine, however I modified it for multiplayer use. When a project is created, a new table is created in the database for the "ranks" what i'm trying to do is this: When you click "Open Project" it shows any projects that have your name in that table, however, it don't work.

pawn Код:
if(listitem == 1)
                new string[51];
                new string1[MAX_PROJECT_LENGTH];
                for(new i; i<MAX_PROJECTS; i++)
                    new Query[500];
                    format(Query, sizeof(Query), "SELECT * FROM `PROJECT_%d_RANKS` WHERE `ID` = %d", i, PlayerInfo[pid][pID]);
                        if(i != MAX_PROJECTS-1)
                            format(string, sizeof(string), "\n%d:\t%s", i, ProjectInfo[i][prName]);
                            strcat(string1, string);
                ShowPlayerDialog(pid, Project_Dialog, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Select a project", string1, "Okay", "Cancel");
                PlayerInfo[pid][pProjects] = string1;

Re: Dialog. - sammp - 19.07.2014

Why do it that way when you could just make a table called "projects" and put all of the info in there,

so the layout would be like:



Re: Dialog. - TakeiT - 20.07.2014

Originally Posted by sammp
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Why do it that way when you could just make a table called "projects" and put all of the info in there,

so the layout would be like:


I can't think of a way to do that and save ALL accounts in there, then extract that data. I do have a table called "projects" that holds all other info. However, if say I have 4 people that are rank #1, how am I going to add that to the same table?

That isnt the issue in this case.

Re: Dialog. - sammp - 20.07.2014

Well you just make another row called sub and if theres someone already #1 you add a val to it

Re: Dialog. - TakeiT - 20.07.2014

It's not the saving I care about at the moment, it's checking to see if the player's name is in the project.