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[POBLEM] dini_Set - Printable Version

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[POBLEM] dini_Set - Roei1998 - 15.07.2014

I have a problem with dini_Set
stock AddPlayerToFactionFile(playername[])

	new FactionFileAndOkay[20];
    if(dUserINT(playername).("playerteam") == 7)
	    for(new i = 0; i < 150; i++)
	        format(FactionFileAndOkay, sizeof(FactionFileAndOkay), "Member%d", i);
	        if(strcmp(dini_Get("LSPD.ini", FactionFileAndOkay), playername) == 0) break;
	        if(strcmp(dini_Get("LSPD.ini", FactionFileAndOkay), "None") == 0)
				dini_Set("LSPD.ini", FactionFileAndOkay, playername);
It updated on the file. But, after the player makes relog it is updated.
For example: someone invited to the faction, he quit from the game. we did the command which should show us the faction's players who offline, it didn't show us. the player loggin again and exit out of the game and then it updated.