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rTurret - Highly customizable turrets! - Corekt - 15.07.2014

rTurret v1.5
Highly customizable turrets for SA-MP!

rTurret allows you to easily create your own fully-automated turrets. With hundreds of customization possibilities, you can tweak the turrets for your own server needs. rTurret features player targeting and LoS capabilities, resulting in AI similar to ones you've seen in other games such as TF2.

Quick Setup
No need to waste hours upon hours to implement your own turrets when rTurret does all the work for you.
rTurret come with 50+ functions to help you customize your turret down to the last detail.
Player Targeting
Turrets are able to aim at players with preference based on a predefined behavior or your own custom behavior.
Predictive aiming algorithm allows your turrets to aim ahead of the player according to their speed and direction, almost guaranteeing bullets of any speed will hit players moving in a constant direction.
Turret AI is somewhat similar to how turrets behave in other games, most notably turrets in TF2. With LoS capabilities, turrets will shoot if they're able to "see" a player, or remain inactive otherwise, i.e. hide behind a wall and the turret won't know you're there.
The default bullet is non-solid so you won't have camera collision or sudden knock-backs and small enough to resemble an actual projectile. Bullets are able to "collide" with solid objects, meaning you can safely take cover behind a wall without the bullet passing through it.

[ame][/ame] (Outdated)

Turret Behaviors
All turrets have a defined behavior. Behaviors prefixed with TURRET_BEHAVIOR_AIM_* aim at their intended target and feature LoS+predictive aim capabilities by default. Use one of these macros when creating a turret (for the "behavior" parameter) or for setting a turret behavior.
pawn Code:
TURRET_BEHAVIOR_STATIONARY - Turret aims and shoots in one direction.
TURRET_BEHAVIOR_ROTATE_CLOCKWISE - Turret shoots while rotating clockwise.
TURRET_BEHAVIOR_ROTATE_COUNTERCLOCKWISE - Turret shoots while rotating counterclockwise.
TURRET_BEHAVIOR_AIM_CLOSEST - Turret aims and shoots at the closest player within its range.
TURRET_BEHAVIOR_AIM_FARTHEST - Turret aims and shoots at the farthest player within its range.
TURRET_BEHAVIOR_AIM_WEAKEST - Turret aims and shoots at the player with the lowest health and armor within its range.
TURRET_BEHAVIOR_AIM_STRONGEST - Turret aims and shoots at the player with the highest health and armor within its range.
TURRET_BEHAVIOR_AIM_RANDOM - Turret aims and shoots at a random player within its range.
TURRET_BEHAVIOR_AIM_SINGLE - Turret aims and shoots at a predefined player within its range, which can be set with SetTurretSingleTarget(turretid, targetid).
TURRET_BEHAVIOR_AIM_CUSTOM - Turret aims and shoots at a player whose id is the return value of OnTurretCustomShoot(turretid).

Line of Sight
Turrets have LoS capabilities! To enable, install ColAndreas and set your turret behavior to one of the aiming behaviors prefixed as TURRET_BEHAVIOR_AIM_*. By default, turrets with aiming behaviors will shoot only if there is a line of sight to a player. For all behaviors, bullets will collide with solid objects if there are any in their path (this can be disabled with the ToggleTurretLOS function). Thanks to the creators of ColAndreas for making this possible!

Core Functions
CreateTurret(behavior = TURRET_BEHAVIOR_STATIONARY, playerid = INVALID_PLAYER_ID, Float:x = 0.0, Float:y = 0.0, Float:z = 0.0, Float:rx = 0.0, Float:ry = 0.0, Float:rz = 1000.0, world = -1, interior = -1, rate = 100, Float:speed = 20.0, Float:dmg = 25.0, Float:range = 50.0, Float:streamdistance = 200.0);

Description: Creates a turret. Note that all parameters are optional.
  • behavior - The behavior of the turret (see "Turret Behaviors" above).
  • playerid - The id of the player (turret owner) that the kill will be attributed to under OnPlayerDeath if a target is killed by the turret. The turret owner will also be immune to the turret.
  • Float:x - The X coordinate to create the turret at.
  • Float:y - The Y coordinate to create the turret at.
  • Float:z - The Z coordinate to create the turret at.
  • Float:rx - The X rotation of the turret object.
  • Float:ry - The Y rotation of the turret object.
  • Float:rz - The Z rotation of the turret object.
  • world - The ID of the virtual world to create the turret in.
  • interior - The ID of the interior to create the turret in.
  • rate - The rate (in milliseconds) at which the turret fires bullets.
  • Float:speed - The speed (in units per second) of the turret bullets.
  • Float:dmg - The amount of damage a player takes when hit (health and armor combined).
  • Float:range - The max distance (in units) bullets travel and the range in which the turret will shoot.
  • Float:streamdistance - The stream distance of the turret object.
On success: The id of the turret created

DestroyTurret(turretid, &iter_next = -1);

Description: Destroys a turret.
  • turretid - The id of the turret.
  • iter_next - The variable to store the next iterator continue value. For destroying turrets in the foreach loop of the "rTurrets" iterator. (optional)
On success: 1
On failure: 0


Description: Checks if the given turret id is valid (exists).
  • turretid - The id of the turret.
On success: 1
On failure: 0


Description: Called right after a turret is created. An ideal place to customize your turret.
  • turretid - The id of the turret.
Not handled.


Description: Called right before a turret is destroyed.
  • turretid - The id of the turret.
Not handled.

OnTurretDeath(turretid, killerid, weaponid);

Description: Called right before a turret is destroyed by a player.
  • turretid - The id of the turret.
  • killerid - The id of the player that killed the turret
  • weaponid - The weapon used by the player
Not handled.

OnTurretHitPlayer(turretid, playerid);

Description: Called right after a turret bullet hits a player but before the player takes damage. (The turret's equivalent of OnPlayerWeaponShot)
  • turretid - The id of the turret.
  • playerid - The id the player that was hit by the bullet.
1 will allow the turret to damage the player.
0 will prevent the turret from damaging the player.

OnPlayerTakeTurretDamage(playerid, turretid, Float:damage);

Description: Called right after a player takes damage from a turret.
  • playerid - The id of the player that took damage from the bullet.
  • turretid - The id of the turret.
  • Float:damage - The amount of damage playerid took. (health and armor)
Not handled.

OnPlayerShootTurret(playerid, weaponid, turretid, Float:fX, Float:fY, Float:fZ);

Description: Called when the player's bullet hits the turret.
  • playerid - The id of the player that shot the turret.
  • weaponid - The id of the weapon used by the player.
  • turretid - The id of the turret.
  • Float:fX - The x offset of the point of impact.
  • Float:fY - The y offset of the point of impact.
  • Float:fZ - The z offset of the point of impact.
0 will prevent the bullet from causing damage.
1 will allow the bullet to cause damage


Description: Called right after a turret has finished moving with MoveTurret (see "Extra Functions" below).
  • turretid - The id of the turret.
Not handled.


Description: This is a special callback for the behavior TURRET_BEHAVIOR_AIM_CUSTOM. It's called right before the turret shoots a bullet. The return value of this callback is the id of the player the turret will shoot. Since the turret will only be able to shoot players within its range, you have to either iterate through valid targets using foreach(new i : rTurretTargets[turretid]) or check if the return value is a valid target within the turret's range using Iter_Contains(rTurretTargets[turretid], playerid).
  • turretid - The id of the turret.
The value will be the id of the player the turret shoots at.
Example Usage:
pawn Code:
public OnTurretCustomShoot(turretid)
    // For example purposes only
    // Shoot player with the highest level
    // Note that GetPlayerLevel isn't an actual function in this include!
        highestLevel = -1,
        targetid = INVALID_PLAYER_ID;

    foreach(new i : rTurretTargets[turretid])
        if (GetPlayerLevel(i) > highestLevel)
            targetid = i;

    return targetid;

OnTurretBulletCollision(turretid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z);

Description: Called when a bullet collides with a solid object.
  • turretid - The id of the turret.
  • Float:x - The x coordinate of the point of collision.
  • Float:y - The y coordinate of the point of collision.
  • Float:z - The z coordinate of the point of collision.
Not handled.

Getter Functions
pawn Code:
GetTurretPos(turretid, &Float:x, &Float:y, &Float:z);
GetTurretRot(turretid, &Float:rotx, &Float:roty, &Float:rotz);
GetTurretText(turretid, text[], maxlength = sizeof(text));
GetTurretTextOffset(turretid, &Float:offsetx, &Float:offsety, &Float:offsetz);
GetTurretMaterial(turretid, materialindex, &modelid, txdname[], texturename[], &materialcolor, maxtxdname = sizeof txdname, maxtexturename = sizeof texturename);
GetTurretBulletOffset(turretid, &Float:offsetx, &Float:offsety, &Float:offsetz);
GetTurretBulletRot(turretid, &Float:rx, &Float:ry, &Float:rz);

Setter Functions
pawn Code:
SetTurretOwner(turretid, playerid);
SetTurretBehavior(turretid, behavior);
SetTurretTeam(turretid, team);
SetTurretHealth(turretid, Float:health);
SetTurretPos(turretid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z);
SetTurretRot(turretid, Float:rotx, Float:roty, Float:rotz);
SetTurretRotSpeed(turretid, Float:speed);
SetTurretBulletRadius(turretid, Float:radius);
SetTurretWorld(turretid, world);
SetTurretInterior(turretid, interior);
SetTurretText(turretid, color, const text[]);
SetTurretTextOffset(turretid, Float:offsetx, Float:offsety, Float:offsetz, Float:drawdistance = -1.0, testlos = -1);
SetTurretFireRate(turretid, rate);
SetTurretBulletSpeed(turretid, Float:speed);
SetTurretDamage(turretid, Float:damage);
SetTurretRange(turretid, Float:range);
SetTurretMaterial(turretid, materialindex, modelid, const txdname[], const texturename[], materialcolor = 0);
SetTurretStreamDistance(turretid, Float:streamdistance);
SetTurretBulletModel(turretid, modelid);
SetTurretBulletColor(turretid, color = 0);
SetTurretBulletOffset(turretid, Float:offsetx, Float:offsety, Float:offsetz);
SetTurretBulletRot(turretid, Float:rx, Float:ry, Float:rz);
SetTurretMaxVisibleBullets(turretid, maxbullets);
SetTurretSound(turretid, soundid);
SetTurretSingleTarget(turretid, targetid);

Toggle Functions[INDENT]
pawn Code:
Toggle whether the turret will shoot bullets.
Default: On
ToggleTurretActive(turretid, toggle);

Toggle whether the turret will take bullet damage from players. Turret's health will be set to sethealth once toggled, or if sethealth is -1.0, health will remain what it was previously.
Default: Off
ToggleTurretHealth(turretid, toggle, Float:sethealth = -1.0);

Toggle whether the turret will shoot only if there is at least one player in range.
Default: On
ToggleTurretCheckArea(turretid, toggle);

Toggle whether the turret will play a sound per shot.
Default: On
ToggleTurretPlaySound(turretid, toggle);

Toggle whether players can see the turret.
Default: On
ToggleTurretVisible(turretid, toggle);

Toggle whether the turret will aim in 3D space.
Default: On
ToggleTurretAim3dSpace(turretid, toggle);

Toggle whether the turret will have predictive aim.
Default: On
ToggleTurretPredictiveAim(turretid, toggle);

Toggle whether the turret's bullets will end their path against a solid object.
Default: On
ToggleTurretLOS(turretid, toggle);

Applicable to aim behaviors only, toggles whether the turret will shoot once there is a line of sight to a player, otherwise will remain inactive. Must have turret LoS toggled on.
Default: On
ToggleTurretLOSAim(turretid, toggle);

Toggles whether the turret reserves its damage for the player it's aiming at while ignoring other targets.

If enabled, only the specified target set by the turret's aiming behavior (TURRET_BEHAVIOR_AIM_*) will take damage, even if the bullet hits a different player in its path.
Default: Off
ToggleTurretTargetFocus(turretid, toggle);

Extra Functions
pawn Code:
Set the turret text position to the turret's.

Use this instead of MoveDynamicObject
MoveTurret(turretid, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, Float:Speed, Float:RotX = -1000.0, Float:RotY = -1000.0, Float:RotZ = -1000.0);

Force turret damage to a player, regardless of the player's location
TurretDamagePlayer(turretid, playerid);

foreach Iterators
pawn Code:
// Contains all turret IDs

// Contains all players within the turret's shooting range

// Contains all players who can hear the turret fire bullets

British English Definitions
pawn Code:

#define GetTurretBehaviour                          GetTurretBehavior
#define SetTurretBehaviour                          SetTurretBehavior
#define GetTurretBulletColour                       GetTurretBulletColor
#define SetTurretBulletColour                       SetTurretBulletColor


  • Version 1.5.1 (7/18/2015)
    • Fixed bugs and removed warnings
    • Added TurretDamagePlayer
    • Added (Get/Set)TurretBulletOffset
    • Added (Get/Set)TurretBulletRot
  • Version 1.5 (7/1/2015)
    • Improved predictive aim algorithm
    • Added Turret Health system:
    • GetTurretHealth
    • SetTurretHealth
    • ToggleTurretHealth
    • OnPlayerShootTurret
    • OnTurretDeath
    • Added LoS feature (requires ColAndreas):
    • ToggleTurretLOS
    • ToggleTurretLOSAim
    • OnTurretBulletCollision
    • Minor bug fixes/tweaks
    • More details
  • Version 1.1 (7/19/2014)
    • Added ToggleTurretTargetFocus,
    • Added GetTurretOwner, SetTurretOwner,
    • Added SetTurretMaterial, GetTurretMaterial
    • Added definitions for British English spelling
    • Minor bug fixes
    • More details
  • Version 1.0 (7/14/2014)
    • First release
SA-MP Version 0.3.7
Streamer Plugin - by Incognito
ColAndreas Plugin - by [uL]Slice, [uL]Chris420, [uL]Pottus
foreach - by ******
Include v1.5.1 (Latest)
If using this in a filterscript, define FILTERSCRIPT before the include.

Example Filterscript v1.5
Pastebin (requires ZCMD, sscanf2 and this include)
Use this optional filterscript to test out the functions and figure out how you want to customize your turret.

Previous Versions
Include v1.1
Include v1.0

Re: rTurret - Easily create interactive turrets! - MehranGta - 15.07.2014

Nice One!
I 'll use it on my tdm gamemode.

Re: rTurret - Easily create interactive turrets! - iRaiDeN - 15.07.2014

Wow, I have no words in my mouth.

Re: rTurret - Easily create interactive turrets! - Team_PRO - 15.07.2014

i will use this for my base so no one can enter

Re: rTurret - Easily create interactive turrets! - Niko_boy - 15.07.2014

Wow amazing. literally i cant stop looking at it. and the way it interact with players and the way it can be controlled is surprisingly amazing and seem well accurate

Re: rTurret - Easily create interactive turrets! - R0 - 15.07.2014

i have made one like this before but didnt release,it's like mine,good job

Respuesta: rTurret - Easily create interactive turrets! - CuervO - 16.07.2014

Note: I didn't read the code but you don't specify this in any part of your thread.

The only problem with automatic turrets is the LoS. As I said I didn't read the code and you don't mention it on your thread, do the turrets have a LoS? Will they still aim and kill you if you hide behind a wall, vehicle or anything like it that would obstruct the vision and bullet impacts?

The script is great but without a LoS solution it's practically useless on true DM/TDM enviroments. This is also the reason of why the engineer turrets on my TF GM are manual and not automated, while there are some ways to check for LoS it not only requires MapAndreas but it would also be uneffective in custom maps or under the map maps.

Re: rTurret - Easily create interactive turrets! - Arroway - 16.07.2014

I test it it works fine. Awesome.

Re: Respuesta: rTurret - Easily create interactive turrets! - Corekt - 16.07.2014

Originally Posted by CuervO
View Post
Note: I didn't read the code but you don't specify this in any part of your thread.

The only problem with automatic turrets is the LoS. As I said I didn't read the code and you don't mention it on your thread, do the turrets have a LoS? Will they still aim and kill you if you hide behind a wall, vehicle or anything like it that would obstruct the vision and bullet impacts?

The script is great but without a LoS solution it's practically useless on true DM/TDM enviroments. This is also the reason of why the engineer turrets on my TF GM are manual and not automated, while there are some ways to check for LoS it not only requires MapAndreas but it would also be uneffective in custom maps or under the map maps.
Turrets currently don't have a LoS, unfortunately. During development I took this into consideration but realized even with MapAndreas, as you said, the turrets wouldn't have proper LoS in custom maps or interiors. The best solution for now is to limit the turret's range so that the bullets never reach any solid objects/barriers, or use them in open maps.

I could probably achieve turret LoS without MapAndreas if there's a way to check if a player has a line of sight for a 3D text label with testlos on. As far as I know there isn't. Maybe I'll suggest such a function for the Streamer Plugin.

Edit: Quick bug fix. I mistyped a couple of variables in SetTurretTextOffset, which are now fixed. Pastebin has been updated. Please update your include if you intend to use that function.

Re: rTurret - Easily create interactive turrets! - StreetGT - 16.07.2014

amazing man!

Re: rTurret - Easily create interactive turrets! - Corekt - 19.07.2014

Update: Version 1.1

Added new getters and setters.
pawn Код:
GetTurretMaterial(turretid, materialindex, &modelid, txdname[], texturename[], &materialcolor, maxtxdname = sizeof txdname, maxtexturename = sizeof texturename);
pawn Код:
SetTurretOwner(turretid, playerid);
SetTurretMaterial(turretid, materialindex, modelid, const txdname[], const texturename[], materialcolor = 0);

New extra function:
pawn Код:
ToggleTurretTargetFocus(turretid, toggle);
ToggleTurretTargetFocus toggles whether the turret reserves its damage for the player it's aiming at while ignoring other targets. If enabled, players apart from the target won't take damage even if they get caught in the crossfire. Use this for turret aiming behaviors (TURRET_BEHAVIOR_AIM_CLOSEST - TURRET_BEHAVIOR_AIM_CUSTOM). Target focus is off by default.

In addition, rTurret now supports alternate British English spelling of macros and functions containing the words "behavior" or "color".
pawn Код:

#define GetTurretBehaviour                          GetTurretBehavior
#define SetTurretBehaviour                          SetTurretBehavior
#define GetTurretBulletColour                       GetTurretBulletColor
#define SetTurretBulletColour                       SetTurretBulletColor
Bug fixes:

Re: rTurret - Easily create interactive turrets! - iFarbod - 22.07.2014


Re: rTurret - Easily create interactive turrets! - DemME - 24.07.2014

Seems good

Re: rTurret - Easily create interactive turrets! - Onfroi - 28.06.2015

Sorry for bump.
But why does my console spam with "*** Streamer Plugin: Streamer_IsInArrayData: Invalid ID specified" when the turret is active? Also, if you want to add line-of-sight check this out.

Re: rTurret - Easily create interactive turrets! - Crayder - 28.06.2015

Originally Posted by Onfroi
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Also, if you want to add line-of-sight check this out.
Eww. That's one of the worst way to do this. This is precisely why ColAndreas was created.

Re: rTurret - Easily create interactive turrets! - Onfroi - 28.06.2015

Originally Posted by Crayder
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Eww. That's one of the worst way to do this. This is precisely why ColAndreas was created.
Well, didn't know Pottus actually released it.

Re: rTurret - Easily create interactive turrets! - Sellize - 28.06.2015

Quite cool. Good job on this

Re: rTurret - Easily create interactive turrets! - Gasman - 28.06.2015


Re: rTurret - Easily create interactive turrets! - Konverse - 29.06.2015

Oh my God this is so amazing I can't believe someone made this possible nice job

Re: rTurret - Easily create interactive turrets! - Corekt - 30.06.2015

Originally Posted by Onfroi
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Sorry for bump.
But why does my console spam with "*** Streamer Plugin: Streamer_IsInArrayData: Invalid ID specified" when the turret is active?
Are you running the rTurret filterscript alongside a script already using the include? That would cause the callbacks to execute twice, once after an object/area's destroyed, hence the console spam.

New version for 0.3.7 in the works, stay tuned.