Server sided damage - Printable Version
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Server sided damage -
IKnowWhatIAmDoing - 14.07.2014
Lets say I made a server sided damage sysstem using onplayerweaponshot. how can I call onplayertakedamage or givedamage?
Respuesta: Server sided damage -
SickAttack - 14.07.2014
You could use CallLocalFunction - But if its some kind of anti god mode system it won't work.
Re: Respuesta: Server sided damage -
IKnowWhatIAmDoing - 14.07.2014
Originally Posted by SickAttack
The purpose is not to detect the hackers though. Just apply the same thing as the players. Did some tests and noticed give/tske damage doesn't csll for bulletproof gackers. The servef also does not register it as a kill. It says the player died on their own.