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[HELP] GameTextForPlayer - Printable Version

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[HELP] GameTextForPlayer - Shura - 06.07.2014

Hello friends, first excuse my bad English.

I could help past this code to the following format: Update3DTextLabelText?

It is more than clear that I + rep to help me.

if(Info[i][pJailed] > 0){
			if(Info[i][pJailTime] > 0){
				new str[128];
	            	case 1, 4: format(str, sizeof(str), "~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~ ~r~Jail OOC!~n~~w~%d segundos (%i minutos) restantes", Info[i][pJailTime], Info[i][pJailTime]/60);
					case 2, 3, 5, 6: format(str, sizeof(str), "~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~ ~r~En prision!~n~~w~%d segundos (%i minutos) restantes", Info[i][pJailTime], Info[i][pJailTime]/60);
				GameTextForPlayer(i, str, 2000, 3);

Respuesta: [HELP] GameTextForPlayer - Shura - 06.07.2014

Anybody can help me?

Re: [HELP] GameTextForPlayer - Le3aT - 06.07.2014

You wont be able to use that unless you actually created a 3D text

Also, The 3D text is about a text that shows at a certain coordinates . for cars in dealerships and private cars and so on.

Respuesta: Re: [HELP] GameTextForPlayer - Shura - 06.07.2014

Originally Posted by Le3aT
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You wont be able to use that unless you actually created a 3D text

Also, The 3D text is about a text that shows at a certain coordinates . for cars in dealerships and private cars and so on.

The script I mentioned above makes it in x cordinate, understand?