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Turf/Point wars for rp server - Printable Version

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Turf/Point wars for rp server - TheKillZone - 03.07.2014

Hello, i own an rp server with a custom script, although i dont have a turf/point war system for families. So if somebody could please give me a link to a filterscript that i can just add on to the server or on ethat doesn't need much editing. I would really appreciate it.
Thank you.

Re: Turf/Point wars for rp server - TheKillZone - 04.07.2014

*bump* please help me

Re: Turf/Point wars for rp server - ball - 04.07.2014

Something like this is advanced script and nobody won't upload this to public forums - it takes a lot of time.

Re: Turf/Point wars for rp server - SHE790 - 04.07.2014