Cops & Robbers Gamemode (Opinions needed) -
laser50 - 25.06.2014
Looking through the list of threads, there seem to be a lot of the things I'll be asking here, I couldn't find any better area to post it on, though. So I hope this'll be fine.
Any way, me and a friend have started expanding our community into other directions, starting with SA-MP, since it's still fun to play. And we stuck it up on Cops & Robbers.
Now, we have started a script, it's in it's basics at the moment, but I am wondering what the community up here thinks, feels, sees, whatever floats your boat.
What to you makes a good, fun and enjoyable Cops & Robbers game? Since we're early in development, I figured it'd be best to ask the people here so we can get a basic look at what others may want to see in such a gamemode.
So, yeah, have at it!