Free Teamspeak -
Numba1Ninja - 19.06.2014
I was in the process of starting my own roleplay community but came to the attention that I did not have time to own and operate one while starting college. I am going to keep paying for the teamspeak but will allow a Community to use it for free. The only thing is that I would have to be an admin in your community. I have admin experience, just not the time to own and operate a server by myself. The server would have to be English speaking as I am American. If interested please reply back or PM me.
Re: Free Teamspeak -
PrivatioBoni - 19.06.2014
Was your first thread of this deleted? :P
I think it would be more honest to say that this is "Can I be an admin, I'll give you a free TS server" kinda post.
Re: Free Teamspeak -
caoraivoso3 - 19.06.2014
dude you pay to work on a server? you are dumb
Re: Free Teamspeak -
iAnonymous - 19.06.2014
One can simply get a free VPS from some site and host a TS3 on it
Re: Free Teamspeak -
TakeiT - 19.06.2014
Why pay when the license is free?