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Markers - Bek_Loking - 18.06.2014

Hello! I don't fully understand markers. I want some commands to work only in marker. If a player isn't in marker it will return a message like: "You're not in front of fast-food market!" And I want it to be written, like text on screen, not on marker reach send client message but right on the screen message in front of the fast food stand like: Fast Food stand - type /fastfood to buy!
And it will display a dialog which I know how to create.

Re: Markers - DobbysGamertag - 18.06.2014

Re: Markers - Bek_Loking - 18.06.2014

Yeah. How do I know how big my checkpoint is?
And how can I make a command only use-able in a checkpoint?

Re: Markers - Konstantinos - 18.06.2014

Originally Posted by Bek_Loking
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How do I know how big my checkpoint is?
Play around with the size and go in-game to see how small or big the checkpoint is.

Originally Posted by Bek_Loking
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And how can I make a command only use-able in a checkpoint?

Re: Markers - DobbysGamertag - 18.06.2014

for checking if they're in a CP:

pawn Код:
    if(IsPlayerInCheckpoint(playerid)) //they are
    else //they arent
    return 1;
The size of the checkpoint:

pawn Код:
SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, x, y, z, size)
The last parameter.

I reccomend using a streamer though. Since


Checkpoints are asynchronous, meaning only one can be shown at a time. To 'stream' checkpoints (only show them when players are close enough), use a checkpoint streamer.

Incognitos does this iirc

Re: Markers - XStormiest - 18.06.2014

First thing first, markers are reprsented by MapIcons, SetPlayerMapIcon search this function and learn it.
Secondly, for the verificaiton part, you need a function that is called IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint, search and learn it.
Thirdly, I will show you an example of using both of them.

public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
   SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 0, yourxhere, youryhere, yourzhere, 10, yourcolorhere,  3);
   return 1;
Also an example for usage of IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint

public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
    if(!strcmp(cmdtext, "/test", false))
        if(!IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, yourmaxradiussizehere, yourxhere, youryhere, yourzhere))
            return SendClientMessage(playerid, yourcolorhere, yourmessagehere)
    return 0;