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Need Help ASAP With Dialogs +REP Awaiting - Printable Version

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Need Help ASAP With Dialogs +REP Awaiting - Douner - 16.06.2014

I have a Big Deal Here its very simple
PHP код:
stock ClassDialog(playerid)
format(Stringgsizeof(Stringg),""cred"Musketter - Rank 0\n"cblue"Smugller - Rank 0\n"cyellow"Pirate- Rank 2\n"ccolor"Sky Walker - Rank 6\n"ccolor"Engineer - "ccolor2"Rank 5\n"ccolor"JetTrooper - "ccolor2"Rank 6\n"ccolor"Support - "ccolor2"Rank 5\n"ccolor"Scout - "ccolor2"Rank 5\n"ccolor"Spy - "ccolor2"Rank 7\n"ccolor"Donor - "ccolor2"For Donators only\n"ccolor"Builders - "ccolor2"Rank 3\n"cblue"God Father");
ShowPlayerDialog(playeridCLASS_DIALOGDIALOG_STYLE_LIST"Class Selection",Stringg,"Select","Back");

sorry i cant post full code but ill let u know that colors cred , cblue etc etc are define and in onDialogResponse there are 11 cases
PHP код:
public OnDialogResponse(playeriddialogidresponselistiteminputtext[])
strfind(inputtext,"%",true) != -1) return SendClientMessage(playeridRED," ");
dialogid == CLASS_DIALOG)
   else if(
playerid] = Musketer;
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1,"You have chosen the Musketter class");
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1,"BONUS: No extra bonus with this class");
" "
" "

Over all the Code is perfect but if I add \n"cblue"GodFather" my 11th option of the dialog then while compiling it will crash
And if i Delete \n"cblue"GodFather" I tried my best to fix it when i failed im here , Again the problem is if i add an 11 th case it wont crash in ondialogresponse but if i add its 11th option in my dialog it will .
i can post the whole code if u want but it wont make any difference .
Sorry for my Bad English

Re: Need Help ASAP With Dialogs +REP Awaiting - superrobot48 - 16.06.2014

It may be because the string for a dialog has reached its maximum length

Re: Need Help ASAP With Dialogs +REP Awaiting - Douner - 16.06.2014

ya i know it but I need help on How to Fix it

Re: Need Help ASAP With Dialogs +REP Awaiting - superrobot48 - 16.06.2014

Just Create a new dialog for the balance and add a item like next or something

Re: Need Help ASAP With Dialogs +REP Awaiting - RenovanZ - 16.06.2014

Learn strcat

Re: Need Help ASAP With Dialogs +REP Awaiting - Douner - 16.06.2014

OK What a Waste of Posting I just Reduced the Characters.
Thank you for commenting Superrobot