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Whats wrong here ? - xHarshx - 06.06.2014

Arm, Okay, So I now, made some CMDs and now when I try to Compile I get this
pawn Код:
F:\UP COMPUTER\HARSHPREET SINGH NIJHAR\SA-MP (SERVER)\COD\gamemodes\COD-BlackShadow.pwn(24470) : error 017: undefined symbol "VBanID"
F:\UP COMPUTER\HARSHPREET SINGH NIJHAR\SA-MP (SERVER)\COD\gamemodes\COD-BlackShadow.pwn(24484) : error 017: undefined symbol "VBanNick"
F:\UP COMPUTER\HARSHPREET SINGH NIJHAR\SA-MP (SERVER)\COD\gamemodes\COD-BlackShadow.pwn(24499) : error 017: undefined symbol "VUnBan"
F:\UP COMPUTER\HARSHPREET SINGH NIJHAR\SA-MP (SERVER)\COD\gamemodes\COD-BlackShadow.pwn(24510) : error 017: undefined symbol "VBanLoadInfo"
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664          Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

5 Errors.
First, here is my CMDs
pawn Код:
COMMAND:ban(playerid, params[])

        if(pInfo[playerid][Adminlevel] <= 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, ""COL_BLUE"AdmCmd: You don't have the privilege to use this command.");
            string[1000],pplayerid, reason[48];
        if(sscanf(params, "us[48]", pplayerid, reason)) return SCM(playerid, -1, ""COL_CYAN"Info: "COL_WHITE"/Ban (Playerid) (Reason)");
        if(pplayerid == IPI) return SCM(playerid, -1, ""COL_RED"Error: "COL_WHITE"Wrong Playerid.");
        if(pInfo[playerid][Adminlevel] < pInfo[pplayerid][Adminlevel]) return SCM(playerid, -1, ""COL_RED"Error: "COL_WHITE"You can't use this command on higer level admins.");
        format(string,sizeof(string),""COL_BLUE"AdmCmd: Administrator \"%s (%d)\" has banned \"%s (%d)\". (Reason: %s)",GetName(playerid),playerid,GetName(pplayerid),pplayerid,reason);
        format(string,sizeof(string),""COL_BLUE"AdmCmd: Administrator \"%s (%d)\" has banned \"%s (%d)\" from the server. (Reason: %s)",GetName(playerid),playerid,GetName(pplayerid),pplayerid,reason);
        format(string,sizeof(string),""COL_BLUE"AdmCmd: You have banned \"%s (%d)\" from the server. (Reason: %s)",GetName(pplayerid),pplayerid,reason);
        return 1;
pawn Код:
COMMAND:bannick(playerid, params[])

        if(pInfo[playerid][Adminlevel] <= 2) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, ""COL_BLUE"AdmCmd: You don't have the privilege to use this command.");
            string[1000],nickname[50], reason[48];
        if(sscanf(params, "s[50]s[48]", nickname, reason)) return SCM(playerid, -1, ""COL_CYAN"Info: "COL_WHITE"/Bannick (Nickname) (Reason)");
        format(string,sizeof(string),""COL_BLUE"AdmCmd: Administrator \"%s (%d)\" has banned nickname \"%s\". (Reason: %s)",GetName(playerid),playerid,nickname,reason);
        format(string,sizeof(string),""COL_BLUE"AdmCmd: You have banned \"%s\" from the server. (Reason: %s)",nickname,reason);
        return 1;
pawn Код:
COMMAND:unban(playerid, params[])

        if(pInfo[playerid][Adminlevel] <= 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, ""COL_BLUE"AdmCmd: You don't have the privilege to use this command.");
        if(sscanf(params, "s[50]s[48]", nickname)) return SCM(playerid, -1, ""COL_CYAN"Info: "COL_WHITE"/Unban (Nickname)");
        format(string,sizeof(string),""COL_BLUE"AdmCmd: Administrator \"%s (%d)\" has unbanned nickname \"%s\".",GetName(playerid),playerid,nickname);
        format(string,sizeof(string),""COL_BLUE"AdmCmd: You have unbanned \"%s\" from the server.",nickname);
        format(string,sizeof(string),"/COD-BlackShadow/Bans/%s.ini", nickname);
        return 1;
pawn Код:
COMMAND:bansearch(playerid, params[])

        if(pInfo[playerid][Adminlevel] <= 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, ""COL_BLUE"AdmCmd: You don't have the privilege to use this command.");
        if(sscanf(params, "s[50]s[48]", nickname)) return SCM(playerid, -1, ""COL_CYAN"Info: "COL_WHITE"/Bansearch (Nickname)");
        format(string,sizeof(string),"/COD-BlackShadow/Bans/%s.ini", nickname);
        return 1;
SO, whats wrong here ?

Re: Whats wrong here ? - rumen98 - 06.06.2014

Can you tell us what function have your stocks ,,VBanID'' ,,VBanNick'' ,,VUnBan'' and ,,VBanLoadInfo'' if any have such

Re: Whats wrong here ? - kamiliuxliuxliux - 06.06.2014

Mark the lines where are these errors.

Re: Whats wrong here ? - xHarshx - 06.06.2014

Originally Posted by kamiliuxliuxliux
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Mark the lines where are these errors.
Arm, The error occurring is one the third last line of every CMD.

Originally Posted by rumen98
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Can you tell us what function have your stocks ,,VBanID'' ,,VBanNick'' ,,VUnBan'' and ,,VBanLoadInfo'' if any have such
Hmm, My brother made them for me, but the thing is, if I remove V which he said is supposed to be for live connection to my directory (like if someone is banned, the ban is automatically added to my .Bans Folder), I get tons of other errors.

Re: Whats wrong here ? - rumen98 - 06.06.2014

PHP код:
I think errors are here.

Edit: Show us you Stocks, to tell you what is wrong

Re: Whats wrong here ? - xHarshx - 06.06.2014

What do you mean by Stocks ? (my bro aint here atm so I cant ask him and I don't know much about pawn (newbie)).

Re: Whats wrong here ? - Faisal_khan - 06.06.2014

The solution is written in the error itself. You have not made a function of those VBanID and the rest. Check if you have a stock VBanID or a public VBanID in your script.

Re: Whats wrong here ? - rumen98 - 06.06.2014

Just remove that lines from every CMD and you are done
PHP код:

Re: Whats wrong here ? - xHarshx - 06.06.2014

Thanks. Rped Faisel and u too remen!