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Help me for house bug , stats ID : house 1 , house 2 Owner - Printable Version

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Help me for house bug , stats ID : house 1 , house 2 Owner - jesdynguyen - 31.05.2014

I got a bug like The owner house still there but the information/stats of them lost , they can enter and exit their house but cant sell house for another , cant take out the stuff in house , when i use cmd check stats them , house 1 , house 2 of them lost

How can i fix that , please help me

sorry my bad english

my pawn code :

	if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] < 4)
		SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GRAD2, "Ban khong co quyen su dung lenh nay.");
		return 1;

	new string[128], choice[32], houseid, amount;
	if(sscanf(params, "s[32]dd", choice, houseid, amount))
		SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "USAGE: /hedit [name] [houseid] [(Optional)amount]");
		SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "Available names: Exterior, Interior, CustomInterior, CustomExterior, Class (1-3), Level, Price");
		return 1;

	if(strcmp(choice, "interior", true) == 0)
		GetPlayerPos(playerid, HouseInfo[houseid][hInteriorX], HouseInfo[houseid][hInteriorY], HouseInfo[houseid][hInteriorZ]);
		GetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, HouseInfo[houseid][hInteriorA]);
		HouseInfo[houseid][hHInteriorWorld] = GetPlayerInterior( playerid );
		SendClientMessageEx( playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "You have changed the interior!" );

		format(string, sizeof(string), "%s has edited HouseID %d's Interior.", GetPlayerNameEx(playerid), houseid);
		Log("logs/hedit.log", string);
		return 1;
	else if(strcmp(choice, "custominterior", true) == 0)
		if(HouseInfo[houseid][hCustomInterior] == 0)
			HouseInfo[houseid][hCustomInterior] = 1;
			SendClientMessageEx( playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "House set to custom interior!" );
			HouseInfo[houseid][hCustomInterior] = 0;
			SendClientMessageEx( playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "House set to normal (not custom) interior!" );

		format(string, sizeof(string), "%s has edited HouseID %d's Custom Interior.", GetPlayerNameEx(playerid), houseid);
		Log("logs/hedit.log", string);
		return 1;
	else if(strcmp(choice, "customexterior", true) == 0)
		if(HouseInfo[houseid][hCustomExterior] == 0)
			HouseInfo[houseid][hCustomExterior] = 1;
			SendClientMessageEx( playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "House set to custom exterior!" );
			HouseInfo[houseid][hCustomExterior] = 0;
			SendClientMessageEx( playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "House set to normal (not custom) exterior!" );

		format(string, sizeof(string), "%s has edited HouseID %d's Custom Exterior.", GetPlayerNameEx(playerid), houseid);
		Log("logs/hedit.log", string);
		return 1;
	else if(strcmp(choice, "exterior", true) == 0)
		GetPlayerPos(playerid, HouseInfo[houseid][hExteriorX], HouseInfo[houseid][hExteriorY], HouseInfo[houseid][hExteriorZ]);
		GetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, HouseInfo[houseid][hExteriorA]);
		SendClientMessageEx( playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "You have changed the exterior!" );

		format(string, sizeof(string), "%s has edited HouseID %d's Exterior.", GetPlayerNameEx(playerid), houseid);
		Log("logs/hedit.log", string);
		if(HouseInfo[houseid][hOwned] ==0)
			format(string, sizeof(string), "Can nha nay\n dang duoc ban\n Description: %s\nCost: $%d\n Level: %d\nID: %d\nDe mua nha go~ /buyhouse",HouseInfo[houseid][hDescription],HouseInfo[houseid][hValue],HouseInfo[houseid][hLevel],houseid);
			HouseInfo[houseid][hTextID] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel( string, COLOR_GREEN, HouseInfo[houseid][hExteriorX], HouseInfo[houseid][hExteriorY], HouseInfo[houseid][hExteriorZ]+0.5,10.0, .testlos = 1, .streamdistance = 10.0);
			HouseInfo[houseid][hPickupID] = CreateDynamicPickup(1273, 23, HouseInfo[houseid][hExteriorX], HouseInfo[houseid][hExteriorY], HouseInfo[houseid][hExteriorZ]);
			if(HouseInfo[houseid][hRentable] == 0)
				format(string, sizeof(string), "This house is owned by\n%s\nLevel: %d\nID: %d",HouseInfo[houseid][hOwner],HouseInfo[houseid][hLevel],houseid);
				HouseInfo[houseid][hTextID] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel(string,COLOR_GREEN,HouseInfo[houseid][hExteriorX], HouseInfo[houseid][hExteriorY], HouseInfo[houseid][hExteriorZ]+0.5,10.0, .testlos = 1, .streamdistance = 10.0);
				HouseInfo[houseid][hPickupID] = CreateDynamicPickup(1273, 23, HouseInfo[houseid][hExteriorX], HouseInfo[houseid][hExteriorY], HouseInfo[houseid][hExteriorZ]);
				format(string, sizeof(string), "This house is owned by\n%s\nRent: $%d\nLevel: %d\nID: %d\nGo~ /rentroom de thue can nha",HouseInfo[houseid][hOwner],HouseInfo[houseid][hRentFee],HouseInfo[houseid][hLevel],houseid);
				HouseInfo[houseid][hTextID] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel(string,COLOR_GREEN,HouseInfo[houseid][hExteriorX], HouseInfo[houseid][hExteriorY], HouseInfo[houseid][hExteriorZ]+0.5,10.0, .testlos = 1, .streamdistance = 10.0);
				HouseInfo[houseid][hPickupID] = CreateDynamicPickup(1273, 23, HouseInfo[houseid][hExteriorX], HouseInfo[houseid][hExteriorY], HouseInfo[houseid][hExteriorZ]);
	else if(strcmp(choice, "level", true) == 0)
		HouseInfo[houseid][hLevel] = amount;
		format(string, sizeof(string), "You have set the house level to %d.", amount);
		SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, string);
		if(HouseInfo[houseid][hOwned] ==0)
			format(string, sizeof(string), "Can nha nay\n dang duoc ban\n Description: %s\nCost: $%d\n Level: %d\nID: %d\nDe mua nha go~ /buyhouse",HouseInfo[houseid][hDescription],HouseInfo[houseid][hValue],HouseInfo[houseid][hLevel],houseid);
			UpdateDynamic3DTextLabelText(HouseInfo[houseid][hTextID], COLOR_GREEN, string);
			if(HouseInfo[houseid][hRentable] == 0)
				format(string, sizeof(string), "This house is owned by\n%s\nLevel: %d\nID: %d",HouseInfo[houseid][hOwner],HouseInfo[houseid][hLevel],houseid);
				UpdateDynamic3DTextLabelText(HouseInfo[houseid][hTextID], COLOR_GREEN, string);
				format(string, sizeof(string), "This house is owned by\n%s\nRent: $%d\nLevel: %d\nID: %d\nGo~ /rentroom de thue can nha",HouseInfo[houseid][hOwner],HouseInfo[houseid][hRentFee],HouseInfo[houseid][hLevel],houseid);
				UpdateDynamic3DTextLabelText(HouseInfo[houseid][hTextID], COLOR_GREEN, string);
		format(string, sizeof(string), "%s has edited HouseID %d's Level to %d.", GetPlayerNameEx(playerid), houseid, amount);
		Log("logs/hedit.log", string);
	else if(strcmp(choice, "price", true) == 0)
		HouseInfo[houseid][hValue] = amount;
		format(string, sizeof(string), "You have set the houses price to $%d.", amount );
		SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, string);
		if(HouseInfo[houseid][hOwned] ==0)
			format(string, sizeof(string), "Can nha nay\n dang duoc ban\n Description: %s\nCost: $%d\n Level: %d\nID: %d\nDe mua nha go~ /buyhouse",HouseInfo[houseid][hDescription],HouseInfo[houseid][hValue],HouseInfo[houseid][hLevel],houseid);
			UpdateDynamic3DTextLabelText(HouseInfo[houseid][hTextID], COLOR_GREEN, string);

		format(string, sizeof(string), "%s has edited HouseID %d's Price to $%d.", GetPlayerNameEx(playerid), amount);
		Log("logs/hedit.log", string);
	else if(strcmp(choice, "class", true) == 0)
		case 1:
				format(HouseInfo[houseid][hDescription], 128, "Low" );
				SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "You have set the house's class to 1 (Low)" );
		case 2:
				format(HouseInfo[houseid][hDescription], 128, "Medium" );
				SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "You have set the house's class to 2 (Medium)" );
		case 3:
				format(HouseInfo[houseid][hDescription], 128, "High" );
				SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "You have set the house's class to 3 (High)" );
		if(HouseInfo[houseid][hOwned] ==0)
			format(string, sizeof(string), "This home is\n for sale!\n Description: %s\nCost: $%d\n Level: %d\nID: %d\nDe mua nha go~ /buyhouse",HouseInfo[houseid][hDescription],HouseInfo[houseid][hValue],HouseInfo[houseid][hLevel],houseid);
			UpdateDynamic3DTextLabelText(HouseInfo[houseid][hTextID], COLOR_GREEN, string);

		format(string, sizeof(string), "%s has edited HouseID %d's Class to %d.", GetPlayerNameEx(playerid), houseid, amount);
		Log("logs/hedit.log", string);
	return 1;

Re: Help me for house bug , stats ID : house 1 , house 2 Owner - jesdynguyen - 02.06.2014

help me please