Who knows -
JakeHunter1 - 29.05.2014
Who knows how to start a server/website hosting ? I serch the internet but i didn't find ..
Re: Ho knows -
iZN - 29.05.2014
We don't know, ask Ho, not us.
Re: Ho knows -
NewerthRoleplay - 29.05.2014
I'm not a ho! And anyway if you have to search hosting service (from what I can tell of your post, that's what you're looking for) maybe you should rethink about even starting..
Re: Ho knows -
Potassium - 29.05.2014
If you don't know how to do it then don't. Your company will not succeed. You probably want to do it to make money, and that won't happen if you don't know what you're doing. It's not a good way to make money.
BTW it's "who", not "ho".
Re: Ho knows -
Team_PRO - 29.05.2014
Originally Posted by Potassium
If you don't know how to do it then don't. Your company will not succeed. You probably want to do it to make money, and that won't happen if you don't know what you're doing. It's not a good way to make money.
BTW it's "who", not "ho".
Re: Ho knows -
JakeHunter1 - 30.05.2014
Originally Posted by Potassium
If you don't know how to do it then don't. Your company will not succeed. You probably want to do it to make money, and that won't happen if you don't know what you're doing. It's not a good way to make money.
BTW it's "who", not "ho".
Its for my servers not for money..
Re: Ho knows -
TDM - 30.05.2014
Originally Posted by JakeHunter1
Its for my servers not for money..
So you sir are opening a company just for yourself.... hmmmm good going
Re: Ho knows -
JakeHunter1 - 30.05.2014
Originally Posted by TDM
I never say company just hosting .. :S
Re: Ho knows -
Saurik - 30.05.2014
Hoe *
Re: Ho knows -
punklord - 30.05.2014
Originally Posted by Saurik
Hoe *
Hoe knows,you hoe only know. @Topic Creator.