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[FilterScript] HitMarker (With hit-sound and enable/disable) - Printable Version

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HitMarker (With hit-sound and enable/disable) - alexoneda - 23.05.2014

Hello there fellow scripters, I am here today with a simple filterscript, that adds a hitmarker (a red X on your AIM, whenever you hit someone) with sounds and a enable/disable function, through the command /marker.

This isn't my first filterscript, but it is my first to be published, as I am still learning (kinda)

Required to run: YSI 3.1 (using Y_Commands)
Download: Pastebin

You may do whatever you want with this, just keep the credits.

Tell me if you find any bugs, as I didn't had any chance to test it with HITs yet, only through debug commands.

Att, [VGS]GuaxXxiniN

Re: HitMarker (With hit-sound and enable/disable) - AviPeker - 23.05.2014

Nice and simple

Re: HitMarker (With hit-sound and enable/disable) - alexoneda - 23.05.2014

Simplified it into 70-lines, should be working fine...
If it does not, let me know

Re: HitMarker (With hit-sound and enable/disable) - Raza2013 - 23.05.2014

add a screenshot please gotta check out without test.

Re: HitMarker (With hit-sound and enable/disable) - alexoneda - 23.05.2014

As I said previously, didn't got a chance to test it while hitting someone, only through debug commands.

Will post a screenshot using the debug commands soon, give me a minute.

That's basically it.

PS: HitMarker on the photo above was made through a debug command, that's why I am aiming to nowhere.

Re: HitMarker (With hit-sound and enable/disable) - Alex Magaсa - 23.05.2014

great job ! :O

Re: HitMarker (With hit-sound and enable/disable) - HitterHitman - 24.05.2014

Looks Nice