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Divide the colors, Simple question - Printable Version

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Divide the colors, Simple question - Le3aT - 19.05.2014

Hey, I want to divide the color of the message sent to the player into like 2


Ex; OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "Hey and welcome to (( Make that with yellow color: DM )) server!");
return 1;

Re: Divide the colors, Simple question - Le3aT - 19.05.2014

I mean that i want all the word with white, But "DM" with yellow

Re: Divide the colors, Simple question - AndySedeyn - 19.05.2014

pawn Код:
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "Hey and welcome to {FFFF00}DM {FFFFFF}server!");

Re: Divide the colors, Simple question - Luis- - 19.05.2014

You could use to find colours as well. Always remember the square brackets when adding colours like this, {FFFFFF}.