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/mymute miliseconds --> minutes? - Printable Version

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/mymute miliseconds --> minutes? - Metharon - 19.05.2014

			new string[256];
			format(string, sizeof(string), "~y~Minute minutes blabla  ~n~~r~%d~y~ seconds", PlayerInfo[playerid][pMuteTime]); <-- pmutedtime , the mute time in miliseconds 
			GameTextForPlayer(playerid, string, 5000, 1);

How can i convert miliseconds in minutes, to show for player in minutes not miliseconds?

Re: /mymute miliseconds --> minutes? - Dignity - 19.05.2014

Use a seperate variable that has the rounded digit.

Re: /mymute miliseconds --> minutes? - rumen98 - 19.05.2014

show /mute command

Re: /mymute miliseconds --> minutes? - Threshold - 19.05.2014

(PlayerInfo[playerid][pMuteTime] / 60000) = Milliseconds / 60000 = Minutes.

1 seconds = 1000 Milliseconds.
1 minute = 60 seconds = 60 x 1000 milliseconds = 60000 milliseconds.

So replace PlayerInfo[playerid][pMuteTime], with (PlayerInfo[playerid][pMuteTime] / 60000)

EDIT: Or (PlayerInfo[playerid][pMuteTime] / 1000) if you want it in seconds.

Re: /mymute miliseconds --> minutes? - NaClchemistryK - 19.05.2014

The poster above said it all correctly. But lemme explain it a little better...
there are certain orperators. A " / " stands for dividing, a " * " stands for multiplying, a " + " stands for adding, and a " - " stands for subtrating. Now, one second equals 1000 in SetTimerEx. so when you want to show the player that he is muted for 1 second, you have to divide it with 1000. Simple.
So as the poster above said

So replace
pawn Код:
pawn Код:
(PlayerInfo[playerid][pMuteTime] / 60000)
creds to BenzoAMG for the original help..

Re: /mymute miliseconds --> minutes? - Metharon - 19.05.2014

if(strcmp(cmd, "/mute", true) == 0)
		    new string[456];
			tmp = strtok(cmdtext, idx);
				SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD2, "{00CCFF}(( {FFCC00}Exemplu folosire: {FF9930} /mute [id] [minute] {00CCFF}))");
				return 1;
			new playa;
			new time;
			playa = ReturnUser(tmp);
			tmp = strtok(cmdtext, idx);
			time = strval(tmp);
			if (PlayerInfo[playerid][Administrator])
			        if(playa != INVALID_PLAYER_ID)
				        GetPlayerName(playa, giveplayer, sizeof(giveplayer));
						GetPlayerName(playerid, sendername, sizeof(sendername));
						if (time > 1)
						format(string, sizeof(string), "(LS-CP) {CC0033}Jucatorul %s a primit mute de la administratorul %s pentru %d minute!", giveplayer, sendername, time);
						SendClientMessageToAllEx(COLOR_GRAD1, string);		
						if (time == 1)
						format(string, sizeof(string), "(LS-CP) {CC0033}Jucatorul %s a primit mute de la administratorul %s pentru %d minut!", giveplayer, sendername, time);
						SendClientMessageToAllEx(COLOR_GRAD1, string);		
						PlayerInfo[playa][pMute] = 1;
						PlayerInfo[playa][pMuteTime] = time*6000;
						format(string, sizeof(string), "(LS-CP) {00CCFF}(( {FFCC00}Informatie - {FF9930}scrie /mymute pentru a afla timpul ramas din mute {00CCFF}))");	
						SendClientMessage(playa, COLOR_GRAD1, string);
				SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD1, "{00CCFF}(( {FFCC00}Informatie -{FF9930} nu ai accces la aceasta comanda! {00CCFF}))");
		return 1;
and the new
if(strcmp(cmd, "/mymute", true) == 0)
		    if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pMute] == 1)
			new string[256];
			new timpramas = PlayerInfo[playerid][pMuteTime] / 60000;
			format(string, sizeof(string), "~y~Timp ramas din mute ~n~~r~%d~y~ minute ramase",timpramas);
			GameTextForPlayer(playerid, string, 5000, 1);
		return 1;