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SScanf2 Problem - Printable Version

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SScanf2 Problem - Greaper - 17.05.2014

Whats the meaming of this?

Re: SScanf2 Problem - Konstantinos - 17.05.2014

It means that the specifiers do not match with the arguments. An example:
pawn Code:
sscanf(info, "ifff", x, y, z)
It has 4 specifiers (1 integer and 3 floats) but only 3 arguments (3 floats). It's missing 1 argument which is the integer.

Re: SScanf2 Problem - Greaper - 17.05.2014

How to Fix this Please Exact Example

Re: SScanf2 Problem - Konstantinos - 17.05.2014

I can't give exact example as I'm not aware of the code. It's probably used inside OnGameModeInit callback.