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[FilterScript] Dynamic Class - Printable Version

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Dynamic Class - Kucin666 - 17.05.2014

Dynamic Class

Hi all this is my first FS, I made this to help people file because the file once it helps to make the class of the player should move there move here to take the position of the camera, just take a look.

Function of this FS:

/saveclass command. It will save your Player Class, Player Pos, Payer camera pos, Facing Angle, Camera Look At.
/jetpack command. For facilitate the search for a place.



Kucin666 : Author

Zeex : zcmd

Download Here

Sorry my bad english

Re: Dynamic Class - Kucin666 - 12.01.2015

Test it...

Re: Dynamic Class - rockhopper - 12.01.2015

Don't bump your own topic my friend
Please your FS had really no meaning cuz we can use /save For that

Re: Dynamic Class - Pottus - 12.01.2015

Originally Posted by rockhopper
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Don't bump your own topic my friend
Please your FS had really no meaning cuz we can use /save For that
It's really funny that he logs in 7 months later still no reply on his FS so he bumps it with "Test it..."