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Avoid Reckless driving - Printable Version

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Avoid Reckless driving - Lidor124 - 17.05.2014

I see in a RP server that i was, there is a feature than if you in car and you ram at wall so your health will be reduced.
I mean if there are passangers in your vehicle so all players' health in a specific car will bge reduced, also it according to the vehicle speed while the ramming in the wall.
I think its a filterscript but idk how it called ?


Re: Avoid Reckless driving - Rittik - 17.05.2014

I think in that server the scripter might added it for only some objects(wall) try crashing into different types of wall.

Re: Avoid Reckless driving - Threshold - 17.05.2014

There are many ways to do this. Some people might use OnVehicleDamageStatusUpdate which is called whenever the vehicle has a VISUAL damage applied to it. Then you can use GetVehicleHealth to determine how hard the vehicle hit the wall.

Another method is to combine a timer with GetVehicleHealth so you can take an appropriate damage from all passengers in the vehicle when the vehicle receives damage. Hitting a wall at a very high speed might take about 400-500 vehicle health. So you would probably apply 10% or 20% damage to the passengers.

And ignore the above poster, he has no idea what he's talking about.