Help With getting random cash -
AroseKhanNiazi - 16.05.2014
how can i get random cash from all player even an random amount for each player
and sendclientmessage to player for the amount he said ( i want to know how to get to know how much he gave) subtract that amount from him and after that amount we got from all other players give it to one player
Re: Help With getting random cash -
AroseKhanNiazi - 17.05.2014
BuMp Please help
Re: Help With getting random cash -
rumen98 - 17.05.2014
I'm confused
This should be something like taxes for each person??
Re: Help With getting random cash -
AroseKhanNiazi - 17.05.2014
no for an birthday system
Re: Help With getting random cash -
rumen98 - 17.05.2014
i dont know maybe
PHP код:
forward BirthDayPresent(playerid);
public BirthDayPresent(playerid)
new birth[128]; //string for message
new money = random(50001); // this will give each player random money from 0 to 50000
format (birth, sizeof(birth), "Happy Birthday you get %d money",money); //format message
return 1;
for(new a = 0; a < MAX_PLAYERS; a++)
return 1;
but I'm pretty sure it would not work so
but try it with someone and give me the result
also added on top of this command if you want to just about RCON admin
PHP код:
if(!IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) return 0;
Re: Help With getting random cash -
AroseKhanNiazi - 17.05.2014
it's not a command i got the system ready i know how to get random amount from player but i want to get from every player an different amount and give t to 1 player
Re: Help With getting random cash -
rumen98 - 17.05.2014
For example, money from all players to birthday
Re: Help With getting random cash -
AroseKhanNiazi - 17.05.2014
get money from all players and give it to one player
Re: Help With getting random cash -
Beckett - 17.05.2014
So you mean like this?
* I couldn't completely understand what you said, sorry.
Re: Help With getting random cash -
rumen98 - 17.05.2014
And by chance how to declare this birthday?
DaniceMcHarley, He wants to say that he wants to take money from all players as a gift to jubilarian and to give them
For instance:
50 people, one birthday
to take money from those 49 people and giving them jubilarian
This is at least as understood by all