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Anti cheat - Printable Version

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Anti cheat - AroseKhanNiazi - 14.05.2014

any one here see my anti money hack
new Miney = pInfo[playerid][Money];
	pInfo[playerid][Money] = Miney+50000;
for(new i = 0; i < GetMaxPlayers(); i++)
	    if(IsPlayerConnected(i) && spawned[i] == 1)
			new playermoney,newmoney,setmoney;
			playermoney = pInfo[i][Money];
			newmoney = GetPlayerMoney(i);
			setmoney = playermoney-newmoney;
			if(playermoney != newmoney) GivePlayerMoney(i,setmoney);
see if any error i can't find one btw

Re: Anti cheat - biker122 - 14.05.2014

What's wrong with this? If you have any errors, post them..

Re: Anti cheat - AroseKhanNiazi - 14.05.2014

i AM just asking any way to hack it

Re: Anti cheat - Beckett - 14.05.2014

As long as it's serversided it can't be hacked.