Object & horn related - Printable Version
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Object & horn related -
jessejanssen - 14.05.2014
As you could read in the title I have two questions/issues, the first one is that
I read that the turned off police siren (Object ID: 19420) would have sockets and that the turned on police siren (Object ID: 19419) didn't, however, they both don't seem to have sockets when I use them in the game, anyone knows if I'm doing something wrong or that they just both don't have sockets (Anymore)?
The second question is about vehicle horns, I am wondering if you can script if you press the horn key (H for default) the horn won't sound, I scripted a siren system and now I have to use commands but if I can disable the horn I can just use the key for toggling between the 'wail' sound and the fast 'yelp' sound, basically if they hold it down now the 'yelp' siren plays but you hear the horn trough it and that's very annoying.
Best regards,