What Happenes To SA:MP LIVE? -
[Cali]ChrOnic_T - 13.05.2014
What happened to SA-MP Live? Why nobody uses it who remembers it
it was so cool, you could text your friends in other servers n shit xD oh wait, we still got XFIRE
but anyone had sa-mp live?
Re: What Happenes To SA:MP LIVE? -
Khanz - 13.05.2014
Steam overlay
Re: What Happenes To SA:MP LIVE? -
Calgon - 13.05.2014
I guess StrickenKid disappeared one day, he stopped updating his MySQL plugin and other releases a while back too.
Re: What Happenes To SA:MP LIVE? -
nilanjay - 13.05.2014
I think players just stopped using it because these days there are so many other programmes to chat in-game.