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Textdraw help - Printable Version

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Textdraw help - Lajko1 - 12.05.2014

Hey guys i don't know why but whenever I want to make text draw to cover whole screen, textdraw isn't there when I write a command to test it out I already posted something like this and someone said that textdraw is out of screen that's why it doesn't show up so can someone make textdraw from me that cover whole screen? Because I tried many times and I can't make it, rep+ for helper.

Re: Textdraw help - NoSoap - 12.05.2014

Would this not work?

// On top of script:
new Text:;

// In OnGameModeInit
 = TextDrawCreate(325 ,325 , "");
TextDrawFont( , 1);
TextDrawLetterSize( , 1, 7);
TextDrawColor( , 0xff0000FF);
TextDrawSetOutline( , false);
TextDrawSetProportional( , true);
TextDrawSetShadow( , 1);
TextDrawUseBox(, 1);
TextDrawBoxColor(, );
TextDrawBoxSize(, 500, 500);
Change the last one 'TextDraw Box Size' to whatever you need it to be.

Re : Textdraw help - Ramoboss - 12.05.2014

Try using ITD (Ipleomax TextDraw Editor)
you can build easily textdraws, and it will give you the code

Re: Re : Textdraw help - Lajko1 - 12.05.2014

Originally Posted by Ramoboss
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Try using ITD (Ipleomax TextDraw Editor)
you can build easily textdraws, and it will give you the code
Tried to use that editor but it's not working... when I write /itd it says "server unknown command" -.-', anyone?

Re: Textdraw help - Beckett - 12.05.2014

Originally Posted by NoSoap
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Would this not work?

// On top of script:
new Text:;

// In OnGameModeInit
 = TextDrawCreate(325 ,325 , "");
TextDrawFont( , 1);
TextDrawLetterSize( , 1, 7);
TextDrawColor( , 0xff0000FF);
TextDrawSetOutline( , false);
TextDrawSetProportional( , true);
TextDrawSetShadow( , 1);
TextDrawUseBox(, 1);
TextDrawBoxColor(, );
TextDrawBoxSize(, 500, 500);
Change the last one 'TextDraw Box Size' to whatever you need it to be.
Didn't this guy just answer you.

AW: Textdraw help - Macronix - 12.05.2014

Can you show me your textdraw code?

Re: Textdraw help - Lajko1 - 12.05.2014

Originally Posted by DaniceMcHarley
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Didn't this guy just answer you.
TextDrawBoxSize - I get error about undefined...

Umm anyway I tried this and textdraw doesn't even show up

pawn Код:
Textdraw0 = TextDrawCreate(1.000000,1.000000,".");

Re: Textdraw help - Lajko1 - 13.05.2014

Oh textdraw is here but can you make it so I can see a bit over that textdraw, now I can't I want it so that black will be only 60% dark not 100% rep+ for you anyway

Re: Textdraw help - Lajko1 - 13.05.2014
