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[FilterScript] [FS]NEVADA PLANE INTERIOR!!! - Printable Version

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[FS]NEVADA PLANE INTERIOR!!! - s1k - 18.09.2008

This is a extremly nice interior for the nevada cargo plane. Some people say its a little big. I really dont think so. Dont like it?? Well dont be all bitching about it. Keep it to your self. And if your gona say something bad about say it in a nice way
Cool interior



Re: [FS]NEVADA PLANE INTERIOR!!! - whooper - 18.09.2008

kinda wierd but nice

Re: [FS]NEVADA PLANE INTERIOR!!! - weedarr - 18.09.2008

Lol, nice rack of clothes :P Is it a shop?


Re: [FS]NEVADA PLANE INTERIOR!!! - Aji - 20.09.2008

its little big lol but nice..

Re: [FS]NEVADA PLANE INTERIOR!!! - eXtreme72 - 20.09.2008

Wow! Nice script. Will be using this.

Re: [FS]NEVADA PLANE INTERIOR!!! - patas_21 - 20.09.2008

Very nice map

Re: [FS]NEVADA PLANE INTERIOR!!! - romeotheboss - 20.09.2008

very cool..


Re: [FS]NEVADA PLANE INTERIOR!!! - sidhu123 - 21.09.2008

Awesome.. Nice gift you have for making interiors

Re: [FS]NEVADA PLANE INTERIOR!!! - YoMama - 01.02.2010

I like it. Does it kill players inside if the Nevada crashes?

Re: [FS]NEVADA PLANE INTERIOR!!! - sidhu123 - 01.02.2010

No, it doesn't.