How to stop troll car , i need some anti code please - Printable Version
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How to stop troll car , i need some anti code please -
jesdynguyen - 12.05.2014
So a lot of troller come my server with theirs tool by fly in the sky and make vehicle follow like magnet then he drop all car on my server make them blow up ... hard to review that hack . its make me and my members headache . i need somebody help me find Filesprited or some code anti like JunkBuster to help stop this bad action
Sorry my bad english , thanks to visit my topic , i hope someone can help me
Re: How to stop troll car , i need some anti code please -
Bingo - 12.05.2014
Use anti-vehicle teleport.
jesdynguyen - 12.05.2014
can you send me link Mr Bingo
need some help here
Re: How to stop troll car , i need some anti code please -
Khanz - 12.05.2014
Code an anti cheat system.
Re: How to stop troll car , i need some anti code please -
jesdynguyen - 12.05.2014
i dont know , do you have any link to visit and download
Re: How to stop troll car , i need some anti code please -
Potassium - 12.05.2014
Originally Posted by Khanz
Code an anti cheat system.
He is asking FOR the code, stop posting useless crap all the time.
Re: How to stop troll car , i need some anti code please -
Beckett - 12.05.2014
Check if the player enters many vehicles in a second if he did, kick him because how the flying cars works is that the player will be TPed in the car in half second or whatever delay and it will fly up in the sky then he gets TPed back to his vehicle, I hope this helped you.
Re: How to stop troll car , i need some anti code please -
jesdynguyen - 12.05.2014
thanks guy , i found the temporary resolve . its anti car spam , i share this for someone need help same me
// This is a comment
#include <a_samp>
public OnFilterScriptInit()
print(" Anti-Car-Spam by kaisersouse ©2013");
return 1;
public OnFilterScriptExit()
return 1;
public OnGameModeExit()
return 1;
public OnPlayerStateChange(playerid, newstate, oldstate)
if(newstate == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER)
if((GetTickCount()-GetPVarInt(playerid, "cartime")) < 1000) // enters veh as driver faster than 1 once
SetPVarInt(playerid, "carspam", GetPVarInt(playerid, "carspam")+1);
if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "carspam") >= 5) // allows 5 seconds leeway to compensate for glitching, then kicks
new name[24];
new string128[128];
format(string128,sizeof(string12,"[hack][carspam] Kicked [%i]%s for CAR SPAM hacks",playerid,name);
#if defined IRC_ECHO
IRC_GroupSay(groupID, IRC_CHANNEL, string12;
return Kick(playerid);
SetPVarInt(playerid, "cartime", GetTickCount());
return 1;