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[GameMode] San Andreas Roleplay By Inc. - Printable Version

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San Andreas Roleplay By Inc. - Inc - 02.05.2014

San Andreas Roleplay!. V1.1

This gamemode edited/scripted by me, im added more admin commands /player commands i will create a new version of this GM with few factions and more admin + player commands!.

Admin commands:
Admin Level 1: /kick - /setarmor - /sethp - /spec - /freeze - /unfreeze - /skin - /slap
Admin Level 2: /givemoney - /get - /goto - /ban - /announce - /spawn - /gethere - /gotols
Admin Level 3: /givegun - /kickall - /resetguns - /setskin - /noooc
Admin Level 4: /setlevel - /veh - /meakeadmin - /rac - /gotoint

Player commands:
/do /me /accent /ooc /b /stats /s

I will add more, i got school work to do so bye!.

****** for includes.
Scratch for starting to create this GM.
Aprezt Edited and Added few commands.
Inc. Changed Admin system and fixed two new player commands.

Don't PM me for any help!


Re: San Andreas Roleplay By Inc. - JeremyPeterson - 02.05.2014

Good work...IF and only IF you scripted it from scratch :L
The commands are...kinda seen,zGaming?
Anyways,keep it up...

Re: San Andreas Roleplay By Inc. - TomIrish - 02.05.2014

Good for beginners.

Re: San Andreas Roleplay By Inc. - Inc - 02.05.2014

Jeremy...Commands are not ZGaming it's my own work. Anyway Thanks .

Thanks TomIrish!

Re: San Andreas Roleplay By Inc. - GeekSiMo - 03.05.2014

Very Basic !!
But Good for Beginners

Re: San Andreas Roleplay By Inc. - MichealScript - 03.05.2014

Not bad for new scripter . But keep your script up to be have better and better gamemodes.

Re: San Andreas Roleplay By Inc. - Reebok1 - 04.05.2014

Good job ! and Nice START ! Keep it Up +REP

Re: San Andreas Roleplay By Inc. - MichealScript - 04.05.2014

yes keep it up !!

Re: San Andreas Roleplay By Inc. - MichealScript - 04.05.2014

And Make More Admin Commands Like "/dynamics " "/hedit " "/hnear" "/bedit" "/ddedit" this things.

Re: San Andreas Roleplay By Inc. - Infinity - 04.05.2014

Remove the executables, you're not allowed to redistribute these.