How to make a simple rob player system, with progressbar. -
Hi boyz, today i want explain to you how to do this simple rob player system, in a little time. First we need the following includes:
pawn Код:
#include <zcmd>
#include <sscanf2>
#include <progress>
You can find this includes just looking in the forum.
Well, now we need to declare an enum that contains the informations of each player, so write it above the callback
pawn Код:
enum playerinfo
new pinfo[MAX_PLAYERS][playerinfo]; // with this variable we save the informations of all players contained in the enum playerinfo..
Now we must define a global variables that will contain the
ID of player that was robbed, the
progressbars, one for player that was robbed and another for a player that rob, the
counts that will raise first and second progressbar, and the
IDs for a kill timers that start when someone type a command for rob.
pawn Код:
new rID;
new PlayerBar:progressrob;
new PlayerBar:progressrob2;
new Float:progresscount;
new Float:progresscount2;
new robtimerprogress;
new robtimerprogress2;
Well we can move on to the next part, where we must define a function that allow us to rob a player.
pawn Код:
forward robplayer();
public robplayer()
new Float:rx, Float:ry, Float:rz; //Define a new Float: variables for get in the position of player that will be robbed
GetPlayerPos(rID,rx,ry,rz); //Get in variables above the coords of player that will be robbed
if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid,2.5,rx,ry,rz)) //if player that want rob is near at position of player that will be robbed.
pinfo[rID][soldi] = GetPlayerMoney(rID); //Get the money of player that will be robbed in a pinfo, variable
GivePlayerMoney(rID,-(pinfo[rID][money]/3)); //This function removes the player's money with a mathematical operation that divides the player's money for 3 and then subtracts the result for player's money.
GivePlayerMoney(playerid,pinfo[rID][money]/3);//Same operation but now the result is incremented with money of player that rob.
new string[128]; //a new string variable
format(string,128,"[SERVER] You have robbed at player: $%i and ricive +3 Score Points",pinfo[rID][soldi]/3);//Self explanatory..
SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,string);//Self explanatory..
SendClientMessage(rID,-1,"[SERVER]Someone rob your money");//return a message to player that was been robbed.
pinfo[rID][money] = GetPlayerMoney(rID);//Get the current money in variable pinfo that regards the player that was robbed, so if we have this in a /stats command it will be updated foreach time that this system will done.
pinfo[playerid][money] = GetPlayerMoney(playerid); //same...
pinfo[rID][score] = pinfo[rID][score] - 3; // With mathematical operation we set the variable that regards the score of the player that was robbed -3..
pinfo[playerid][score] = pinfo[playerid][score] + 3; //same but here we add +3 at the variable that regards the score of player that rob.
SetPlayerScore(rID,GetPlayerScore(rID)-3); //here we set the real score game -3 to the player that was robbed..
SetPlayerScore(playerid,GetPlayerScore(playerid)+3);//and here add +3 score to player that rob.
else //if the player isn't in range of point of the player that will be robbed..
SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"[SERVER]You have failed to rob the player.");//send a message to playe that want rob
SendClientMessage(rID,-1,"[SERVER]Someone have failed to rob you.");//send a message to player that wasn't robbed.
return 1;
Is my first tutorial, sorry if it appears so confused.. if haven't problems we can continue with creating a progressbars for the players, like i sayd, one for the player that rob, and other for the player that will be robbed.
pawn Код:
forward robprogress();
public robprogress()
if(progresscount == 100.0) // if the progress count become 100.0 then..
HidePlayerProgressBar(playerid,progressrob); //Hide progressbar for player that rob
StopAudioStreamForPlayer(playerid); //Stop the audio for player that rob
progresscount = 0.0; //reset the progress count to 0.0 so if we want rob more, the progressbar will be restarted.
KillTimer(robtimerprogress); // finally KillTimer started when a player type a command /rob [id].
return 1;
}//if the count isn't finished, (isn't 100.0)..
PlayerPlaySound(playerid, 17802, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);//a player sound for each repeat..
SetPlayerProgressBarValue(playerid,progressrob,progresscount);//setting a value that define the Float:width of the progressbar with the variable progresscount..
UpdatePlayerProgressBar(playerid,progressrob);//for each repeat, this function update the progress bar, it will be raise, becaouse for each reapeat progresscount increases of 25.0
progresscount = progresscount + 25.0;
return 1;
//this function is the same as above, but applies to the player that is stolen
forward robprogress2();
public robprogress2()
if(progresscount2 == 100.0)
progresscount2 = 0.0;
return 1;
PlayerPlaySound(rID, 17802, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
progresscount2 = progresscount2 + 25.0;
return 1;
I hope that is all rights, so we can pass to last step, the rob command:
pawn Код:
if(sscanf(params,"u",rID)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"[SERVER]USE /rob [ID]"); //with sscanf we can get the input of params in a variable rID, that regards the id of the player thet will be robbed, and if the command doesn't find the value for the id return a client message that sayd 'USE /rob [ID]..
if(rID == playerid) return SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"[SERVER]You can't rob at yourself."); // if the ID of the player that will be robbed is the same of the ID of the player that want to rob return a client message that sayd that can't rob at yourself..
new Float:rx, Float:ry, Float:rz; //define float variables for get position of the player that will be robbed.
GetPlayerPos(rID,rx,ry,rz); // get coords of player that will be robbed in a float variables
if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid,2.5,rx,ry,rz)) // if the player that want rob is near at the player that will be robbed then...
progressrob = CreatePlayerProgressBar(playerid,50.0, 300.0,55.5,3.2,0xFFFF00AA,100.0); // creating a progressbar for player that want rob..
progressrob2 = CreatePlayerProgressBar(rID,50.0, 300.0,55.5,3.2,0xFFFF00AA,100.0);// creating a progressbar for player that will be robbed..
SetTimerEx("robplayer",5000,false,"i",playerid);//setting the timer at function robplaye that have explain above..
robtimerprogress = SetTimerEx("rubaprogress",1000,true,"i",playerid); //setting the timer for progressbar of the player that want rob
robtimerprogress2 = SetTimerEx("rubaprogress2",1000,true,"i",rID);//setting the timer for progressbar of the player that will be robbed
else //if the player isn't in range of player that will be robbed then..
SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"[SERVER]You arent near a player");//return a client message that says that you aren't near a player.
return 1;
And this is all, i hope that it's all right, i hope you can be happy with this system.